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Friday 28 March 2014

Primer: Epic Jimmy

Tyson and Tommy have generously given me reign to invade the River City Retro blog. Let me start off by saying that my collection pales in comparison to these guy’s digital libraries of awesomeness. I currently sit at a grand total of 287 games.  Nothing to slouch at, sure, but next to Super Robot and the Hitman it’s like throwing a cucumber down a hallway. Am I using that right? Perhaps out of their good nature, or maybe even pity, these two stand up guys have taken the initiative to show me the art of game chasing. They have each taken me out to the local hotspots, educated me on the eccentricities of the shop owners, and have taught me to never pay more than you have to…you can always find it for cheaper.  Alright, enough ball sucking.
When I first started game chasing I found myself reluctant to buy much at all.  The deals were definitely there, but I wasn’t really sure what I wanted to accomplish. In the past, I would usually trade in whatever I was done with because money was really tight and I wanted to play the latest and greatest. My PS3 (still 'current gen' to me) collection still stands as my biggest for any console.

My first thought was that I wouldn’t buy anything that I wasn’t going to play. I mean, why spend money on something that was going to sit on my shelf indefinitely? Who the hell would do that!? Next, I thought that it would be nice to rebuy all the games that I used to own and now regretted getting rid of. Still, that's not really too many games, but once my thinking parts kicked in, the nostalgia factor sank in, and this led me to the epiphany of: The Quest.

My sister passed away going on 5 years now.  I love her, and I miss her, but this blog entry is not about feeling bad about what happened; it’s about celebrating her, and her love of gaming. I was privileged to inherit her video game collection recently, which included a PS2, a Sega Game Gear, a Nintendo 64, a Nintendo DS, and a Nintendo GameCube. I never had a GameCube, and every time I look at it, I smile and think of my sister.  I thought, why not honor her by collecting GameCube games, and thus The Quest was born.

Including the 11 games I inherited with the console, I am currently sitting at 53 GameCube games (wow, there’s a lot of shitters). Plus, I was already able to score a Wavebird for $15! I’m really excited to continue chasing and watch this collection build into a complete set. Thank you for allowing me to share The Quest with you here, along with all the other video game treasures I stumble upon along the way. Wait, did somebody say Dreamcast?

GameFaqs: jimmywilk
Twitter: @Epic_Jimmy 

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