Hey all. I've finally figured out that I want to have for gaming goals this year. I put a lot of emphasis on beating games last year and that didn't get me anywhere. Call it too much pressure or just bad goal setting whatever you like. This year like last is going to be mostly about playing games and not so much collecting them. I have a few specific things that I want to achieve in 2016 so I'm going to stick to that as opposed to making up a bunch of bullshit that I don't really care to do. So without further ado here is my goals for 2016.
1. Add 15 new titles to my NES collection.
You're probably sick of me bitching by this point that it's hard to find NES titles I need locally. However I did grow my collection by about this amount in 2015 so it should be realistic to do again. There are still plenty of low end titles that I need to fill out my collection so the focus at first will be to knock a few of those off and maybe be able to knock off one or two of the heavy hitters by year end.
2. Play 100 different NES games throughout 2016.
The emphasis here is play not beat. Ultimately as gamers what is the point of gaming. To enjoy the experience and ultimately beat the game. This year I want to try out a bunch of the shitty NES games that I've amassed throughout the years. But I also want to enjoy old personal favourites. This goal goes hand in hand with another one of my goals which I'll touch on in a bit. But really what I hope to achieve is to enjoy my favourite console as much as possible and maybe discover a few new hidden gems as it were that will become a part of my future rotation.
3. Play the PSP.
My eyes were opened by my fellow Instagrammers in recent weeks when seeing multiple posts about the PSP. Usually when I say I want to play a handheld device I automatically think of DS/3DS. I have so many good PSP games that get neglected and gather dust on my shelf. I'm not setting a number for this one. I just want to reintroduce PSP back into the rotation and if that means I play one longer game and really enjoy it, or play multiple games here and there so be it.
4. Stream/Blog more content in 2016.
I sort of took most of 2015 off from doing anything aside from Instagram. I do enjoy the social media aspect of the gaming community and that's why I want to keep up with the blog/podcast/youtube whatever the case may be. I enjoy looking/watching what my fellow gamers are playing or hearing their thoughts on games past and present. In some cases it inspires me to seek out a copy of a title for my collection and in others it reaffirms how awful a game is and reminds me to stay clear. Again I'm not putting any sort of number associated with it. If I feel like streaming a game, cool! If I want to write about some pickups or about a movie I watched; Power to me. As soon as I attach a number to this goal then it'll start to feel like something I have to do. One of the best things about doing the Two Crude Dudes podcast is that we don't take ourselves too seriously. Don't get me wrong we enjoy when people give us a listen and interact with what we have to say. But we're just as happy if we do an episode and if no one listened we'd survive. We do this cause we like to BS with each other, tell dirty jokes and give ourselves an excuse to drink some beer and talk about the things we're passionate about.
That's it I'm keeping it simple this year and just want to have fun playing games and maybe adding a few titles along the way. As always I appreciate that you took the time to read what I had to say. Til next time have fun gaming and remember The Dudes Reign Supreme in 2016!
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