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Wednesday, 20 January 2016

Hitman Tommy's 2015 Goals Final Update

I'm back as promised with a quick little update on last year's gaming goals. I haven't updated these since my July post so I'm just going to run through them quickly to see where I ended up. Sometime in the next couple days I'm going to finalize my 2016 goals and will post that once they're finalized. Let's get right to it.

1. Find 25 more NES carts for my collection.

Final Progress: 13/25 = 52%

As I mentioned in my previous post being able to find games that I need locally has really dried up. I mentioned the local retail shop and online buy and sell but additionally our local flea markets selection has been extremely stagnant with usually only one game that I'm looking for. The last 4 times I went it was actually the same game each time cause the vendor has it priced for more than it's worth and I'm not paying that. He does give alright trade on DVD's and what not so I may have to put some sort of package together to bring that one home. Otherwise it's the same titles over and over again that are just collecting dust on their shelves. I used to also be able to luck out at Value Village from time to time but those of you that frequent VV know what I'm talking about when I say that their pricing for retro titles has become absolute horseshit. I went from checking Value Village on a weekly basis to maybe going down there once every month or two. All that usually comes home on those trips is some magazines or other useless shit that I didn't really need. IE: Robotech VHS tapes. 

2. Complete 5 X-Box 360 games.

Final Progress: 2/5 = 40%

For a few months after my last update I don't think I even turned the Xbox on. It's become pretty hard to play while my 2 year old is awake. Firstly he wants to play cause it's new to him and thinks it looks interesting but secondly most titles that I want to play aren't age appropriate so I don't want him seeing that sort of thing. I did find the time to finally play through Tomb Raider which was a lot of fun. I got hooked really hard and polished it off in about a week. Aside from that I tried a few other games but didn't make much progress with them except for Deadpool. That I've probably played through 75% of the game but I needed to take a break just cause it was getting a little repetitive in terms of combat. I may have finished it off but I got an Xbox One about 2 weeks before year end and I got focused on playing newer titles. On a side note when I got my 2015 recap from Microsoft I only had logged about 135 hours on the Xbox all of last year.

3. Beat one game for 10 different consoles/handhelds

Final Progress: 3/10 = 30%

Not much to say here. I beat a few NES games last year but that only counts as one toward the tally. I'd already beaten an Xbox 360 game so Tomb Raider didn't count. All in all I don't think this goal was thought out very well. The idea was to promote playing more games on different systems which I did. Focusing on beating them was maybe the wrong idea.

4. My 5 biggest wants of 2015.

Final Progress: 1/5 = 20%

I didn't find any of the other 4 titles that were on top of my want list. Just as a reminder these were the titles I was looking for and Dragon's Revenge was the only one that came home.
1. Professor Layton and The Last Specter
2. Secret of Mana
3. Blazing Lazers
4. Grandia
5. Dragon's Revenge

That's it, like I said I just wanted to cap off last year with a quick little update and now I can move forward into 2016. As always thanks for reading. See you in a bit with some new goals for the new year.

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