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Sunday, 20 January 2013

Buyer's Remorse #7 - Squeenix Smasher

While I did want to get started on my first editorial piece, or a full review, I felt that I had to get another BR on the site as it was a solid week of collecting for me. Also, Tommy emptied his wallet this week on a crap load of games, so I might as well show my stuff before he whips out his acquisitions and I lose this round of the game collecting dick-measuring contest. 

If having more games means Tommy is the victor, then I salute him. If having a totally empty bank account also means that you are a winner, then he is the Grand Champion and Lord Master. He better hope his games keep him warm when the power gets cut off in his house during the current -45 degree cold snap.    

Tommy traded his wedding ring for this on the Nintendo Age forums...
All jokes aside, we had a fun night of chasing on Friday and I came away with a few good nuggets for the collection. Whether they are are nuggets of pure gold, or nuggets of pure shit, remains to be seen.  The pawn shop circuit was still the best run of the evening as 3 for $10, and 2 for $15 sales were a good bounty. The SNK Arcade Collection on PSP I purchased solely as a dressing to patch the leaking wound that is my desire to own a Neo Geo X system. My jealousy over anyone who owns one of those systems is like a burning hemorrhoid that makes me itch and causes me to lose sleep. What's that you say? Tommy has a Neo Geo X? Yeah, I know. Fuck that guy...

Urban Reign is a Namco beat 'em up game that also has a cameo from Tekken's Paul Phoenix. If this means I can spend the entire game using only the "Phoenix Smasher" move to kill enemies, then I think I have my new favorite game. Anyone who has ever played me in any Tekken game in the last 15 years just rolled their eyes. I picked up Mario Kart Wii cheaply and I now own every Mario Kart game! I still think Mario Kart 64 sucks Donkey Kong's big burly balls, though...      

Eat My Katamari?
I can't be too bitter, as Tommy did make me aware of a Kijiji seller who had a beautiful sealed copy of Final Fantasy VI Advance for a great price. Tommy was kind enough to pick it up for me while I was at work and the seller even threw in a bonus NES game and one of my top Genesis wants as part of the package too! My great gaming shame is that while I'm a huge RPG fan, and I've logged countless hours on the Final Fantasy series over the years, I've never actually beaten FFVI. I've played it many times and put dozens of hours into it, but for some reason I just never got around to finishing it. I knew that if I finally got it on GBA, I would correct this injustice and finish the game. This also soothes the sting that I got a few weeks ago when Tommy caught me slipping and got a boxed copy at a pawn shop for dirt cheap. God, that chapped my ass so badly. 

How do Cool Spot's sunglasses stay on? Weird...
Cool Spot was a favorite Genesis game of mine when I was younger and it's a crime that I didn't own a boxed copy until today. I do own a mint in-box copy of the SNES version of the game, but that just made me feel dirty as I'll always be a Sega man at heart. Blast Processing always did what Ninten-damn-well-didn't!

Fighting game month has been going well (Except for Samurai Shodown Sen...blargh!) and I've really enjoyed Soul Calibur V and the new Xbox 360 Mortal Kombat game. I even played some Mortal Kombat on original Game Boy today, but the only fighting I did in that game was fighting to get it out of my system and back on the shelf so I never have to play it again. Note to self: play better games while waiting for the laundry to finish.  

I feel vindicated that I finally admitted my great shame that I have never finished Final Fantasy VI. I never lied and said that I beat the game, and truthfully, there were times that I forgot that I never made it to the end during my multiple play sessions. I vow that I will beat that game this year!

That's all for today, stay tuned for more video game babble and an update on Tommy's Kijiji loot, or as I like to call it: Overdrawn on Chequing!

Picture of Tyson three months from now...
Later, folks!

Super Robot Tyson

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