Happy New Year! I hope everyone had a great holiday season. For me it was a relaxing time with family and you guessed it, finding more games. During the Christmas break I was going through some old pictures at my parents place and found one of my favorite Christmas memories. You could even say it was this moment that started it all.
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Me at age 7. Little did my parents realize the disease they were starting. |
Sonic Colors and Dead or Alive 5 came from a couple members of my family and Kirby's Dream Collection was thanks to my wife. But it didn't stop there. One of my favourite parts of the holiday season is Boxing Week. I usually get a few gift cards for Christmas and this year was no exception and they definitely helped towards the things I picked up over the week.
On Boxing Day, my sister, my wife, and I hit the stores at 6am. We're never out there looking for the big ticket items but we like to get there early so it's usually pretty quiet until around 9am. We spent most of the morning hitting various electronic stores looking for Blu-rays and keeping an eye out for game deals. Despite seeing various things I restrained myself when it came to games, only grabbing two things.
WWE 13 was one that I've wanted for awhile. The inclusion of the attitude era was the real selling point this year otherwise I probably would have waited a while before picking this up. New Super Mario Bros 2 was another that I really wanted. Tyson was talking about it on Christmas Eve and somewhat convinced me that I couldn't really wait on this one either. However truth be told, since I've acquired it, my wife has put way more time into it than I have. Mario games are something she really enjoys and I barely got a chance to try it out before it was in her hands.
I spent most of the evening on Boxing Day looking at store's websites and reading up on some games to try and decide which games I would want most if I came across them for a good deal. My wife and I hit the stores again on Dec 27th and this is when the games started pouring in.
Lollipop Chainsaw, Dark Souls and The Last Story all came from EB. Dark Souls was not one I had intended on picking up at that time but it was on for $9.99, so how could I say no. Street Fighter X Tekken and Mario Tennis Open were two others that I was hoping to walk away with and was able to find a good deal on those as well. The last three games pictured were from PNP Games. They were running a 15% off sale on all used games. I grabbed Bomb Squad simply because it was a boxed Intellivision game that I didn't have. Persona 3 on PSP was a decent price but the big pick up was a complete copy of Final Fight CD for the Sega CD. After discount I got that for around $12.
My preference when it comes to games is obviously to have a physical copy that I can hold in my hands however that doesn't mean I won't get something if it's digital only. Xbox Live was running a countdown to 2013 where they were offering daily deals. I ended up downloading Super Meat Boy and Dust: An Elysian Tail for 50% off their normal cost.
As Tyson mentioned in his last blog, we got together for a chase day on Dec 28th. It was a rather quiet day for me pickup wise, as all I walked away with were a couple Gamecube games.
That being said these were both a couple of my top wants for Gamecube so it was nice to add them into the collection. This is the point when I originally intended to end this blog entry. But I didn't get around to posting it when I had planned. As a result Tyson and I hit the pawn shop circuit yesterday and there's more finds to report.
We decided (seeing that neither of us worked yesterday) that we would kick 2013 off with an ultimate chase day. He picked me up at 9am and we drove around until 6pm hitting everywhere we could possibly think of. This of course led to some nice scores for the two of us.
I'm locking the door of the game room and I'm not coming out until I beat all these. |
Tales of The Abyss, Breath of Fire: Dragon Quarter, and KOF 2006 were purchased at the same time as FFVI and I was able to get a great deal on the whole lot. I almost passed on Breath of Fire as when the gentleman working at the shop pulled it out of the case it had a $39.99 sticker on it. There was no way I was going to pay that! I guess he realized that I was passing because of that and he told me that it was an old price and wouldn't be near that much. Those three games ended up running me $8 a piece.
Atelier Iris 1 and 2 were a couple of my scores earlier in the day. I did pay a little bit more for these than I typically would for a used game but you don't see them very often. Even more odd that these turned up within a week of Tyson finally tracking down the second one for his collection. The thing that made this pickup a little more special was that we got back in the car and I held up Atelier Iris 1 looked at Tyson and said "1500!"... that's right, it was officially the 1500th game in my collection. I guess you could consider it a milestone, or alternatively as a sign that I have way too many games. Personally, I chose milestone.
Once again Happy New Year, and I wish everyone a great and healthy 2013! I plan to be back with a new entry in a few days to cap off the year of 2012. Until then, Thanks for reading!
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