My apologies for the delay in getting a new column up. As you can imagine it’s pretty difficult to post a blog when you have no electricity…. All joking aside I didn't go quite as crazy as Tyson implied but did end up with a decent lot of old games.
However before that happened, two weeks ago Tyson and I were out for our usual Friday night tour of the city. The night started off really quiet for me while Tyson found a few decent deals. Usually when the two of us go about, it’s every man for himself and whoever spots something first gets dibs on an item. But we of course have a mutual respect and if we find a game that we know that the other guy really wants we won’t buy it out from under their nose just to be a dick. Unfortunately because we generally tend to have the same taste in many games so frequently, the air in his car is green with jealousy over a great find. Also unfortunate is that jealousy is often quickly taken over by the aroma of two grown men riding in a confined space after eating junk food. Between the two it’s a wonder neither of us have killed the other.

My point being is during our chase nights we often relinquish things we see first to the other guy. Firstly because we are friends, but secondly in hopes that doing a solid for someone will give you something dubbed “Game Finding Karma”. Now I’m not really a superstitious person but the amount of times this has panned out is astounding. Of course I realize that I could buy all these things out from under my friend’s nose and probably go on to the next store and still find these so called “Karma” games…At least this way I don’t have to go home feeling like an asshole at the end of the night.
Anyways I digress, on this particular night I passed on a game so Tyson could buy it even though I hadn’t found anything yet. After that I found a good deal at our next three stops and salvaged what had so far been a failure of an evening.
Then came the first of two Kijiji pickups. Someone that I had bought a few NES games from just before Christmas emailed me about swinging by his place to check out what he had left. The added bonus is that he lives only a few blocks from me so I was able to walk over one evening when it was -30 degrees out. The whole time I was thinking about the phrase that Tyson and I utter so frequently “The shit that we do for deals on games”. I arrived at his place and he proceeded to start pulling all sorts of games out of boxes and drawers. I was like a kid in a candy store and knew I’d be walking out with a few things. I was on limited cash due to it not being pay day yet, so I had to be careful to make sure I didn’t pass up on something really good.

Originally the whole reason I was going over was to pick up Breath of Fire on SNES but he said I could just look through everything cause he didn’t want to take the time to list everything individually. I grabbed a couple loose NES games and then grabbed a few boxed wants. He had pretty good deals, nothing crazy but I don’t mind paying a little extra when buying from another collector. Dragon Warrior II in the box was definitely the jewel in this find.
A few more days passed by and payday came and went. I contacted the same guy and now that I knew what was there I had a better idea of what I wanted to spend some more money on. The black box games I picked up worked out to about $3.50 a piece and everything else was about $4-$5. It was hard not to go even crazier but 15 was a nice even number when it came to adding to my NES collection.
In the end it turned out to be a good thing as Tyson and I hit a few places this past Friday and I pitched a shut out and didn't pick up a single game. This has pretty much never happened although we didn't go to the lengths we usually do, driving was crappy so we opted to hole up and watch a hockey game for most the evening. All in all it was another decent two weeks of buying games. Be sure to check out my game room pics in the upcoming days as I had to make some changes to free up some space. Until next time: It’s not hoarding if you alphabetize your games! Thanks for reading.