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Sunday, 30 March 2014

Hitman Tommy's 2014 Goals 1st Quarter Update

Wow where has the first part of 2014 gone? It seems like it was just a couple weeks ago that I had blogged about what I hoped to accomplish gaming wise this year yet almost 3 months have passed. In the typical fashion of this blog I have procrastinated about getting my next entry done. Once again that darn real life got in the way and I didn’t get around to it and then my laptop finally went the way of the dodo at the end of February which then really limited my ability to type up a post. My wife does have an Ipad but I’m absolutely rubbish with it. Typing a blog post with that would probably take me forever on that thing. Regardless I’ve eventually been able to work my way through having the technology available to write this.

The pickups for me have been pretty lean for me these last couple months. I haven’t spent as much time out on the hunt lately and even when I have there hasn’t been a whole lot that has caught my fancy. That being said I of course still found some games to buy but I just went over all of those on the most recent episode of the Two Crude Dudes podcast (see below). I figured saying that we are at the end of March it would be a good opportunity to update everyone on the progress I’ve made with my collecting/playing goals thus far.

Goal #1: Increase NES Collection by 41 Cartridges.
Progress: 10/41 = 24.39%

Most of this progress occurred just shortly after my last blog post. I made a couple online purchases and came away with 7 new NES games. Beyond that I only found two over a month ago and then Tyson was good enough to bring me back a copy of Road Runner. Since then the NES reserves have been pretty dry. I can’t remember the last time I went over 30 days without picking up a new one. However that aside I’m more or less on track for where I want to be come year end.

Goal #2: Spend more time with the Wii U
Progress: In Progress

I started 2014 off on a good pace of using my Wii U, unfortunately that has really tapered off in last couple months. I blame this partially on new releases for other systems. I picked up Bravely Default on 3DS and most my gaming spare time was devoted to that. More recently I picked up the Final Fantasy X remastered on PS3 and that is what has consumed the last week and a half. I have several Wii U games sitting at home that I am looking forward to playing and I hope to be able to pick things back up in April.

Titles I played on Wii U in 2014: Mighty Switch Force, Lego Undercover
Titles I beat on Wii U in 2014: None

Goal #3: Complete 5 Xbox 360 games
Progress: 2/5 = 40%

February 2014 was dubbed the Second Annual Fighting Game Month here at River City Retro. Unfortunately it wasn’t as successful as it was in 2013. However as a result I did spend some time playing Injustice. I spent a good amount of time unlocking costumes/backgrounds etc and also played through the story mode. Albeit the story mode isn’t very long but with the amount of time I put into some of the extras I consider it to be completed. The second game I attacked was Lego Batman. I had played it before but only for the first few levels so I took the time play through all the Hero and Villain levels. I also spent a few hours replaying some of them in order to unlock more achievements. I still have a little bit more work to do on this one to get 100% of the achievements but I have completed the story mode so again this one I consider complete.

Goal #4: Get the last two issues of OPM
Progress: 0/2 = 0%

No progress on this. I’ve checked online for either issue I need but nothing has surfaced yet.

Goal #5: Devote more time to the Blog

Progress: Ongoing

I have spent a little bit more time in regards to the blog these last 6 weeks. Tyson and I have recorded two episodes of the podcast in that time. But mostly my efforts towards the blog have been more behind the scenes as opposed to actually posting. I’m looking forward to being more active on that side of things.

Well I think that’ll about do it. The year has gone quick so far and while I feel I’ve made some very good strides forward with my collections there’s still a lot of work to be done.

I’d like to take a few moments to formally welcome Epic Jimmy to the River City Retro team. I’m looking forward to watching him proceed in his Gamecube Quest and more important to have a chance to get together with him and Tyson and enjoy playing some of these god awful games that he’s picking up. Anyways Welcome Jimmy! Glad to have you aboard.

That’ll do it for me for now. I’m sure Tyson will be back soon with another entry as soon as he’s done “repaying” me for fixing him up with a copy of Tomba.

Until next time…. It’s not hording if you alphabetize your games!

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