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Tuesday, 16 April 2013

Pre-trip Update

Greetings All! Just wanted to take a few minutes to give a quick update on what Tyson and I have been up to. As you've noticed there hasn't been much activity on the blog over the last two weeks aside from posting the second episode of the podcast. The link is in the blog post right below this one.

I personally had every intention of putting up a new Buyer's Remorse this past weekend but the game pickups have been minimal at best. We did spend alot of time on the podcast discussing what we bought during the EB spring cleaning event, so there's not much point in trudging through that again. Additionally, since recording that, Tyson and I haven't really been out hunting for games. The main reason for this is that each day we get closer to our departure for the Calgary Expo during April 26-28 and while he and I have pre-paid as much of this trip as possible, (hotel, gas, weekend passes, etc) we've been saving as much extra money as we can for food...and of course more games.

That being said, I did get a few things over the past week. A copy of Mass Effect 3 on Xbox 360 and Kickle Cubicle on NES were the highlights, but there definitely wasn't enough content to devote a whole blog post to. Furthermore, as we have a little over a week before we leave I imposed a game buying freeze on myself. The exception to this being Pandora's Tower on Wii, which gets released today. I plan on picking it up in a few hours. Aside from that I won't be buying anything else until we hit the road.

As we've alluded to before, we plan on covering lots of the Calgary Expo via this blog and will probably devote the next "Two Crude Dudes" episode to it as well. I plan on posting one more entry before we leave to touch on some of the key things that I'm looking forward to this year at the expo and maybe a few predictions on what I hope to find.

Anyways, that's all for now and remember it's not hoarding if you alphabetize your games!

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