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Wednesday, 27 March 2013

Buyer's Remorse #16 - Lights...Camera...Action...52?

Welcome to another installment of Buyer's Remorse. If you follow me on Twitter (@rcthitmantommy) you'll know that I claimed that I was taking Friday night off from doing some game hunting. What I didn't realize at the time was that this meant I'd be doing some on Saturday, Sunday and Monday. But before I get into that there were a few pickups that I made during the last run with Tyson.

Now that I have MK I have a feeling Tyson will have a challenge for me soon enough.
I'd never heard of Bomberman Fantasy Race but seeing the Atlus logo brought it to my attention. From the back of the case it looks like a quirky racing game which would definitely be something that Tyson and I would play on one of our game nights. The remaining games were a few random pawn shop pick ups from the same night.

After my relaxing evening this past Friday I ended up hitting a couple pawn shops on Saturday. It was sort of spur of the moment, my wife had an appointment to go to in the afternoon so I tagged along and we made a few stops afterward. There were no real big treasures out there but I ended up coming home with a bunch of PS2 and Xbox games. One of the pawn shops that we frequent was blowing out all their PS2/Xbox games for a $1. There was nothing major there just your typical pawn shop bargain bin titles that we see pretty much everywhere. But for a $1 there were several that I was willing to take a chance on but would have never paid the usual $5 that we see them for.

Bargain Bin Fodder
I thought was going to be it for the weekend but on Sunday Tyson texted me about a Kijiji pickup he was going to make. He said this particular seller was getting rid of a large part of his collection and asked if I'd like to tag along. I looked at his listing and saw something particular that caught my eye. After confirming with Tyson that he wasn't interested in this particular item I decided to come along to check it out. While we were there I did grab a few other things that I wanted. Bugs Bunny Birthday Blowout was a game I rented a lot as a kid and for whatever reason I've had a huge urge to play it recently. I paired it with the other two games pictured and was given a really good deal on them.

I'm hoping Home Alone isn't as bad as I remember
Before I reveal what the big pickup of Sunday was there is a little story that I need to tell. When I saw that this game was available I almost felt compelled to make sure I brought it home. This was mainly because it is involved in one of the biggest game hunting failures I've ever had. Roughly about 6 years ago I went to a community garage sale with my sister, her husband and my girlfriend (now my wife). After going to what was probably about 50 sales, and I think I only had found a game or two for Genesis, I came across a small plastic bin of loose GBA games. In retrospect I probably should of grabbed some of those too, I remember seeing a few Mega Man Battle Network games there but at the time I wasn't really interested in loose handheld games. I digress as that wasn't the failure I was referring to. At the same garage sale this guy was putting out a pile of about 9 games and a system and he wanted $40. I looked at it but the games that were there I pretty much had them all. I was still working my old job back then and really didn't have an extra $40 to put out for it at the time even though I could have probably traded in all the games that I already had for more than I paid and kept the two I didn't have. But really why would I do that, one of the games that was sitting there wasn't even a grey cartridge, it was some sort of weird clear cartridge. I knew enough at the time that this meant it was an unlicensed title and that it was probably a crappy game. I was right on both accounts but what I didn't know was that despite how bad the game is considered it was still very sought after by collectors and that I would spend the next 6 years reminding myself that I was a moron for not buying the lot. Anyways fast forward to this weekend, I wish I could tell you that I got some crazy deal on the game but that wasn't the case. Nor did I walk away feeling as though I got ripped off as I paid way below Ebay prices for this game. The seller had a price in mind which happened to be roughly what I figured my limit for the game would be and in the end it was a fair deal for both of us. But enough of the suspense and secrecy. Here's the game:

52 Shades of Shitty Games
As if that wasn't big enough for one day Tyson and I also hit a couple stores looking for more games. I picked up a couple things but continued to have a good day when we got to one of the pawn shops. After not finding anything in the current gen games (which is what this particular shop mainly carries) I moved over to the Xbox/PS2 section which is along the ground and kind of a pain to look at, but found 3 more titles that I was interested in picking up for $5 a piece. If you recall Tyson picked up a copy of Marvel vs. Capcom 2 on Xbox for around $6 so it was nice to get a little retrobution for when he caught me sleeping. There was also a Gamecube game that I was looking at buying but I declined when I was informed that they sell Gamecube games for $10. While I respect that these places do need to make money and do have certain margins that they need to keep in order to not take a loss, I find it humorous the thought process that we hear them use some time. After explaining why Gamecube games were worth more than PS2/Xbox I smiled politely and nodded that his reasoning made sense. All I could think to myself was "Whatever man, you just sold me a $30-$40 game for 5 dollars you can keep your $10 GC games."

Romance of Three Kingdoms...That's about having a 4-way with three Princesses, right?
That wrapped up Sunday and seeing as I work this upcoming Saturday, I had the Monday off in lieu of it. My wife is off all week so we took some time to go to a few more places that I didn't have time to hit on the weekend. It ended up being a very productive trip and I made a few purchases while we were out. At our first stop I found a couple boxed NES games, a loose NES game, and a newer 360 game. The boxed NES games were titles that I already had loose, but as I've probably mentioned before if I can add a boxed NES game to my collection for less than $10, I'll probably be interested in doing so.

After that we hit one of the local retail shops and I grabbed a few more loose NES games and a couple more boxed games. The employee commented that she had just put a lot of them out about 10 minutes earlier so it was definitely a case of good timing. I also found a few 3DO titles as well. When it comes to 3DO again $10 is usually my ballpark to add a title to my collection.

Lastly, Tyson was at work on Monday night and he brought a Kijiji ad to my attention. I picked up the following items later that night and it was a great way to end a successful weekend of hunting. I did unfortunately bail really hard on a patch of ice on my way to pick up these games. I spent most of today unable to walk without a lot of pain but at least it happened before I got the games so there was no damage to them. Having a healthy body is overrated anyway.

Couldn't decide which version of P3 to buy....I picked the easiest solution.
That wraps up this round of pickups. I took some time this past week take part in the Nintendoage Challenge and also played a couple games on Xbox Live Indie Arcade but I'll go into further detail at a later time. I wanted to end this entry by posting a link to our Youtube Channel. If you've listed to the podcast I talked about this game a little bit and about how it frustrated me to no end. This was our first foray into posting content on Youtube and while it won't be something that we do to frequently, we hope to make use of it as needed. Until next time, Thanks for reading!

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