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Thursday, 13 December 2012

Buyer's Remorse #1

Welcome to the first "Buyer's Remorse" post on River City Retro! This will be an ongoing chronicle of all the game purchases that Tommy and myself make on our adventures game chasing. Buyer's Remorse is a fitting title as we have had many a laugh over our game purchases and whether or not we regret pulling the trigger on some of them. This will be a way for us to go back and remember our best finds, and also to rub salt in the wounds of our lesser acquisitions.

It's fitting that this is the first post as the games I bought today were not the biggest financial win I've had, nor are they rare or retro. It was a bundle I put together when Tommy made me aware of some fresh Kijiji listings last night. They had only been up on Kijiji for a matter of minutes before I responded with an offer on four of the games. The seller accepted and we made plans to meet for today. I did feel a few pangs of remorse as today is the day before payday and I'm sure I have over a thousand other games I could play. 

Tommy and I also employ a strategy we refer to as the "Justification Engine" which is the convoluted process our brains use to determine that we have made a solid purchase. I'm sure I could buy a box full of radioactive scorpions from a seller that lives in an active war zone in Africa, and somehow find a way to convince myself that it was an essential money saving venture that benefits my collection. 

It might inject poison into my scrotum, but at least it was created by Working Designs. 

I had to brave the wilds of Transcona to go get these, and the roads are icy and populated by idiots, but I like to think I saved about 50-60 dollars compared to buying these at retail. Each one is a game that I'm looking forward to playing and first party Nintendo titles never seem to come down in price. Anyways, here's today's pickups:

If it was Kirby: Mass Effect, maybe he could transform into a Krogan.

Not a bad purchase and each game is complete and in excellent shape. Used handheld Nintendo games are often owned by children so you run the risk of them being covered in Sunny D and poop, but these are shiny and new. I'm pretty excited about playing Mario Kart 7 online with Tommy as we get pretty malicious and angry with all the weapon violations we unleash on each other's backsides. Nothing wrong with two dudes violating each other's backsides online, right? Wait...that sounds kinda bad...

Tales of The Abyss was another game that was on my radar as I have not played the PS2 version and I figured that a JRPG with a spiky haired hero who acts like a jerk would be pretty groundbreaking to play in 3D. It might get buried in the fridge for a while before I actually play it as I've been on a bit of a 2D platformer bender on my handheld systems, but I'll sleep better at night knowing that it's safely filed on a shelf under "T" in my 3DS games. I can't wait till I actually play the game and discover that this guy is a playable character:

Black Hole Slam = Ultimate Limit Break
That's all for today! Good luck out there hunting for games, but make sure to leave more for us! Hopefully Tommy will make some purchases that are actually retro and interesting and we can check them out in Buyer's Remorse #2. That sounds like a challenge to me! Tommy?

Super Robot Tyson

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