What year is it? The Two Crude Dudes have emerged from a 6 month time
loop to cause a paradox of stupidity! After a hiatus where Super Robot
Tyson had a baby and Hitman Tommy drank alone for a few months, we have
united again to terminate your brains by traveling in our new time
machine! Episode 14 is packed with retro game chatter, collecting
stories, and enough dick jokes to choke a T-800! Will Tyson form the
Murdoch Mysteries fan club? Will we talk too much about pro wrestling?
We expose Amiibo lies and consider joining the black market of
Transformers collecting. Don't forget to fast forward through our latest
update on WWE Supercard too! This episode is the longest and drunkest
episode of TCD yet! We actually ran out of our favorite beer on air and
had to dig a little deeper in the fridge to keep the tsunami of idiocy
crashing into the microphone. The reason for the extended episode and
long mastering session was due to our main event topic of "What would
Tyson and Tommy do if we had a time machine?" We barely scratched the
surface of our quantum leaps through the timestream! Who would we kill?
What toys or games would we create or steal? Where would we leave a time
capsule filled with only our turds? You have to listen to find out!
After this episode you'll need a time machine to go back and convince
yourself not to listen to it!
Intro track by NESRomancer - Go support him! http://www.nesromancer.com/
Future episodes will always be available here and at http://twocrudedudes.podbean.com/.
Follow the links on this page to subscribe on iTunes and Stitcher Radio!