It’s hard to believe that we’re already nearing the end of April. March just kind of blew by and before I knew it, it was time to provide a quick update on how I’m doing with my gaming goals this year. So let’s get to it
1. Find 25 more NES carts for my collection
Progress: 10/25 = 40%
The first part of 2015 has been pretty steady for NES carts and I’ve been able to add a new cart or two to the collection every couple weeks. In a few of these cases I did have to increase what I’d like to pay for some of these games but at the end of the day the 10 I have picked up were well within the range I was willing to go. This past weekend we had the Wonderland Festival in town(Toy & Comic Show) which I was able to pick a few things up, but also gave me the opportunity to familiarize myself with what vendors have other titles I need for when I get back into chasing around the city more. We talked a little bit about the show on the upcoming episode of the Two Crude Dudes podcast so I’ll leave it at that. Upcoming in the next couple months we aren’t hitting the Calgary Expo this year unfortunately but we will be making a trip to Minnesota next week which will involve hitting up some game stores so fingers crossed for some good finds.
2. Complete 5 X-Box 360 games
Progress: 0/5 = 0%
I’m pitching a big fat goose egg to start the year off in this department. Honestly trying to find the time to get some gaming in has been pretty difficult this year. Aside from getting together with Jimmy for a couple Gamecube nights I really haven’t played much at home. As far as X-Box is concerned I did start Tomb Raider like I said I was going to but have only sunk a handful of hours into that so far. As we get into the summer months I’m hoping to have a bit more time to enjoy some gaming. Since my son joined the family I really relied on devoting the late hours of my day to getting some game time in, however I recently subscribed to the WWE Network and I find that I spend my time after everyone goes to bed watching a lot of that. My wife hates wrestling so I have to try and fit it in when she’s not around.
3. Beat one game for 10 different consoles/handhelds
Progress: 0/10 = 0%
I pretty much covered this one off under goal 2, again I’m hoping that the next couple months will be more lucrative with the game play
4. My 5 biggest wants of 2015
Progress: 0/5 = 0%
No luck picking up any of these. I’ve come across Professor Layton and the Last Specter a couple times but once it was without its case and the second time it was way too expensive. Dragon’s Revenge has been near the top of my radar lately. Lots of them out there on ebay but all the shipping costs are garbage and don’t make it worth it. Not to mention the US Exchange rate is awful right now so I’m trying to avoid purchasing anything online right now.
So that’s where everything sits right now. The only thing that I’ve made any progress on is adding to my NES collection so I’ve got a long way to go the rest of the year. As I mentioned were heading on a road trip next week so hopefully I’ll be back with some photos of some awesome new games that I find while I’m away. Also Tyson and I recorded the next episode of the Two Crude Dudes Podcast last night so you can look forward to our return to the airwaves getting posted sometime in the near future.
1. Find 25 more NES carts for my collection
Progress: 10/25 = 40%
The first part of 2015 has been pretty steady for NES carts and I’ve been able to add a new cart or two to the collection every couple weeks. In a few of these cases I did have to increase what I’d like to pay for some of these games but at the end of the day the 10 I have picked up were well within the range I was willing to go. This past weekend we had the Wonderland Festival in town(Toy & Comic Show) which I was able to pick a few things up, but also gave me the opportunity to familiarize myself with what vendors have other titles I need for when I get back into chasing around the city more. We talked a little bit about the show on the upcoming episode of the Two Crude Dudes podcast so I’ll leave it at that. Upcoming in the next couple months we aren’t hitting the Calgary Expo this year unfortunately but we will be making a trip to Minnesota next week which will involve hitting up some game stores so fingers crossed for some good finds.
2. Complete 5 X-Box 360 games
Progress: 0/5 = 0%
I’m pitching a big fat goose egg to start the year off in this department. Honestly trying to find the time to get some gaming in has been pretty difficult this year. Aside from getting together with Jimmy for a couple Gamecube nights I really haven’t played much at home. As far as X-Box is concerned I did start Tomb Raider like I said I was going to but have only sunk a handful of hours into that so far. As we get into the summer months I’m hoping to have a bit more time to enjoy some gaming. Since my son joined the family I really relied on devoting the late hours of my day to getting some game time in, however I recently subscribed to the WWE Network and I find that I spend my time after everyone goes to bed watching a lot of that. My wife hates wrestling so I have to try and fit it in when she’s not around.
3. Beat one game for 10 different consoles/handhelds
Progress: 0/10 = 0%
I pretty much covered this one off under goal 2, again I’m hoping that the next couple months will be more lucrative with the game play
4. My 5 biggest wants of 2015
Progress: 0/5 = 0%
No luck picking up any of these. I’ve come across Professor Layton and the Last Specter a couple times but once it was without its case and the second time it was way too expensive. Dragon’s Revenge has been near the top of my radar lately. Lots of them out there on ebay but all the shipping costs are garbage and don’t make it worth it. Not to mention the US Exchange rate is awful right now so I’m trying to avoid purchasing anything online right now.
So that’s where everything sits right now. The only thing that I’ve made any progress on is adding to my NES collection so I’ve got a long way to go the rest of the year. As I mentioned were heading on a road trip next week so hopefully I’ll be back with some photos of some awesome new games that I find while I’m away. Also Tyson and I recorded the next episode of the Two Crude Dudes Podcast last night so you can look forward to our return to the airwaves getting posted sometime in the near future.