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Sunday, 27 July 2014

Buyer's Remorse #37 - Nesturbation

Welcome back my 8-bit brothers and sisters! 

So much for a game collecting famine! I went a little insane on game shopping this week and have been buried under an avalanche of new things to alphabetize and put on the shelf without playing. I've been removing stickers and rearranging the game cave tonight to make room for the new scores. Also, I'm drinking beer. Alone. 

Before anyone panics and tries to lecture me on the dangers of beer addiction, this is not a regular occurrence. I just needed some frosty pops to celebrate my game collecting victories this week. You wanna see some of the shit I got? You don't? Well, get bent assface, cause I'm gonna show you anyways. 

The first sexy score was one of my best Kijiji lots in a long time. The wife calls me "Kijiggolo" because I have a knack for using my charms on female Kijiji sellers to score their games. Never wear your wedding ring to a Kijiji pickup if you want to get the best deal. Basically it was a massive PS1 lot with some other odds and ends priced at $25.00 for everything. She flat out asked me if she should have charged more and I told her yes. Then I gave her 25 bucks, kissed her gently on the forehead and swished off to my car like Zorro. 


I also snagged a few things at a garage sale and finally put Ridge Racer Type-4 to bed. I've been trying to complete my set of the Ridge Racer games for a while. I just need a few of the hand held ones now, but they probably kinda suck.


The tiny N64 tells time. It tells you it's time to buy a PS1 instead.
Double Duke Denzel!
After looking at that big PS1 score and the other fodder I brought home, you must be thinking that I took some time off chasing for games and enjoyed my collection. I tried that, but then I looked on Kijiji again (It's like a porn addiction) and saw that a local collectibles store was having a 50% off sale. Usually that means "select crappy items are on sale" and everything else is regular retail price, but in this case the owner has had a serious health issue and his friends and family are liquidating a lot of stuff to help with his care. Everything in the store was half off and I went a little crazy on NES. Did I take advantage of a retail seller when he was dealing with a tragic heath scare? 

I could not pass up some vintage toys on sale! Hiss Tank!!
After this giant pile of mostly $5.00 NES scores, I'm nearing 250 NES games in my collection! Not as insane as Hitman Tommy, but pretty respectable. The other awesome news is that after some trial and error, Tommy and I got Cadash switched into my arcade! I now have my favorite arcade game in my basement. Life is titty! Here's a Cadash pic as well as some other scores. The TMNT NES games were already in my collection, but I traded with a local collector to land the boxes for TMNT II and Manhattan Project. I just had to pose them together for some Ninja Turtle trilogy action. 


So many wins! I did have one small fail is that the Jamma board I bought that I thought was WWF Wrestlefest was actually Wrestlemania The Arcade Game instead and since my arcade only supports three buttons, I can't play it. You'd think that "1995 Midway" on the board would have clued me in. 

That's all for now folks! Thanks to everyone who has been checking out the blog and listening to the Two Crude Dudes podcast lately! We've been reaching a wider audience and it's motivating us to actually provide some content instead of just procrastinating like lazy bums. You will see a lot more action on the You Tube channel and hopefully a new episode of TCD by the first weekend in August!  Until then, stay thirsty my friends! 

Super Robot Tyson

Friday, 25 July 2014

Buyer's Remorse #36 - Beast Man 64

After the last episode of Two Crude Dudes when I had no new pickups to share during our “What did you buy” segment at first I thought no that wasn’t possible I must of bought something and just forgotten about it. I checked my Instagram, the Photo Roll on my phone and still nothing. I checked my game room thinking I must have put a few down on a shelf to be filed but alas I really hadn’t picked up anything.

I told Tyson I really needed to pickup some games…..preferably something that I actually wanted or needed, that being said if we would have got to the end of the night and I still hadn’t found anything I probably would have walked away with some piece of crap game. It would have been the perfect opportunity to add Superman 64 to my collection.

I ended up taking the day off work partially so I could watch the World Cup and spend some time with my son. But I also knew it would give me and Tyson the opportunity to get a couple extra hours of running around in which could have ended up being crucial in finding some games to buy. Saying we did have the extra time we started at a few places that we don’t frequent as often but walked away empty handed until we got to our usual run of stores.

First thing I spotted was New Super Luigi U on the Wii U. The game isn’t very expensive to begin with but like every other 1st party title it doesn’t really drop in price at the retail stores. Plus if someone trades it in to EB Games they just sell used for 50 cents less than they’re retail price. Anyways I knew that grabbing this one for a really good price might be difficult but in the end it ran me less than $20 so I’m happy with that. With it I also picked up Theatrythem Final Fantasy on 3DS. I’d played the demo of this one and let’s face it the worlds “Final” and “Fantasy” are in the title like I’m not interested. This one was in the case and the price tag wasn’t visible. I had a dollar figure in mind of what I would what to spend on it max so when the employee told me the price I thought about it for a moment and decided that I probably couldn’t talk her down far enough to get to my range so I said I’d pass. Immediately she throws me another figure… I looked at Tyson and thought well it’s still a bit more than I want to but before I could even answer she dropped it a few more dollars and just outside of the range I had in mind. It would have been wrong to pass it up at that point and picked it up as well.

Now neither of these two titles are retro which is what I was really craving when we began the hunt that day. But it felt good to knock of a couple more current wants especially after not having found anything for awhile.

That being said there was almost a primal urge that needed to be quenched in my game buying soul. It was of course to find some NES titles that I needed which as I’ve mentioned countless times this year that it’s easier said then done… or at least finding them at an acceptable price. I would have been happy with even one new title if possible, just something that could help me inch towards the magic 600. I ended up nailing three off the list. Of course compared to what I should have got these games for the prices were the drizzling shits. But the deal was better to purchase multiples as it usually is.

What it feels like shopping at a retail store

Fast forward a couple weeks and I made a small trip out to a few thrift stores this past weekend on my own. The wife was out of town and Tyson was busy so I didn’t make a huge tour of the city just 3 or 4 stops to scratch the itch. With the amount of original X-box that we’ve been playing lately I was checking the piles of cheap X-box games a little closer than I normally do. There was nothing stellar but picked up a couple racing games from series that I enjoy. On my way out I saw an MLS game for PS2 that I didn’t recall having seen in a long time. I thought it could be a good find and figured at the very worst I would have another soccer game to play. Turns out it’s not really worth anything but I saved a few bucks. It was in extremely nice shape which also helped my decision; it looked like it had been played once or twice and then put on a shelf for years.

Aside from that my next couple stops were mostly the usual sports and budget titles that you see over and over at these places. My last stop redeemed the entire trip. Now I’d like to tell you I found some ultimate score but that wasn’t the case. But I came across about 12 boxed Intellivision games. In the end I only needed 4 of them but it was nice to come across a few new ones that I needed. Typically when it comes to Intellivision I see the same titles boxed. It’s the only system that I won’t buy loose carts for. Again wasn’t a crazy deal I’ve never paid more than $3.50 for a boxed Intellivision game as they are relatively plentiful but whenever you come across something unexpected like that it’s always a nice treat. Not to mention the particular thrift store that I was at has become notoriously bad for over pricing anything video game related. A lot of times I just end up there as a habit versus actually thinking I’ll find something.

I think that wraps it all up. It was nice to get a couple hunting trips in since our last episode and while the finds weren’t that juicy I was still able to walk away with a few things that I’m really happy to have in my collection. Thanks for the continued support and please check out the plethora of links below.

Check us out on Twitter @superrobottyson and @rcrhitmantommy

Tuesday, 22 July 2014

Super Robot Reviews - Space Gun

Super Robot Tyson has been playing with the Game Capture device again and decided to do a quick review of the arcade classic "Space Gun" by Taito! Watch him aim poorly and die violently in this rail shooter from 1990 that is a blatant rip-off of the movie Aliens. You can play Space Gun on Taito Legends Vol. 1 on Xbox or PS2!

Sunday, 13 July 2014

Capcom Classics Collection Vol. 1 on Xbox

Two videos in one day? Super Robot Tyson went back to the lab to test out more features of the Roxio Game Capture HD Pro and threw together a little highlight package from Capcom Classics Collection Vol. 1 on the original Xbox.

Today's little orientation day has pretty much opened the floodgates for RCR to conquer You Tube with a tsunami of half assed content! Don't forget to subscribe, beeyotch!!


Super Robot Tyson  

NHL Hitz Pro Action #1 - Tyson and Tommy

Hey everyone!

Here's a little test clip of Super Robot Tyson and Hitman Tommy playing some NHL Hitz Pro on Xbox. Now that we have a game capture device we can start uploading more clips from our drunken gaming nights!


Super Robot Tyson 

Wednesday, 9 July 2014

Buyer's Remorse #35 - You want HOW much?!

Yes, Tommy, I haven’t posted anything since late March of 1987, but I’ve been busy.  Like, really busy.  Between work, family, landscaping, eating, sleeping, and procrastinating, I haven’t had time to fart, let alone work on a damn blog!  Am I making excuses?  Of course I am!!!  I’m lazy folks, no two ways about it.  I love to sit on my couch, creating an ample ass sized depression in the couch cushion, and play video games, catch up on Game of Thrones, and watch shitty movies.  However, with some gentle prodding by Tommy (I feel violated), I’ve mustered up enough energy to update you all on my not so recent game chasing escapades.

The Nintendo GameCube Quest is coming along nicely, and as I approach the 100 mark I feel it only fitting to either acquire a rare and unequalled game that will throw  Tommy and Tyson into a frenzied fit of jealousy, or pick up some shitter like Mary Kate and Ashley Sweet 16 and play it to infuriating completion.  Of course I’m assuming that Mary Kate and Ashley Sweet 16 is a shitter, but come on, I’d say that’s a pretty safe assumption (2.5 stars on IGN).

Here’s the new gang:
Two games courtesy of Hitman Tommy.  Every time I look at The Urbz, I think of the 1989 comedy “The ‘Burbs” starring Tom Hanks.  I’m hoping the game features some unsightly looking guy trying to mash a suspicious looking Hefty bag into a garbage can.  Also, Harvest Moon.


Picked these up at the Retro Gamers Unite convention. Not a huge score, but I was happy to once again have Parasite Eve back in my collection. Tyson paid $5 and gifted me Super Smash Bros. (not currently working). I’m really looking forward to checking out Jade Empire. I love me some BioWare games, and this one has Nathan Fillion doing a voice over, to boot.

Tyson shared in one of his Kijiji game lot bounties. Am I the only one who doesn’t enjoy SoulCalibur II? Maybe I’m too late to the game, because these controls suck! Same goes for Metroid Prime.What a shit infested control scheme! Why on earth didn’t they use the ‘C-stick’ for looking around?!  FUCK!!!!!


A Kijiji score I picked up from some kid and his buddy at the mall. I think he was all like “Dude, this guy is old!”, to his buddy.  I don’t do the Pokemon, but the kids seem to love ‘em, and this one is worth some good coin!


Found this one at the cottage.  Simulating life in a quaint little town.  Ya….I think I’ll keep this one on the shelf for a while.

Not hard to find the sports games.  These were picked up at Value Village.  Honestly, the only basketball game I’ve ever played was Double Dribble at my cousin’s place back in the day.  I loved the intro…”DOUBLE DRIBBLE!


Another Kijiji score.  This guy was erecting a sweet deck.  ( I know what you’re picturing, sicko.)


Another lot from Value Village.  Sometimes you get lucky…  I’m looking at you, Eternal Darkness.

Another Kijiji score…I can’t even remember from where.  Gotta blog this more often, I guess.


And another….what would I do without you, Kijiji?


It doesn’t hurt when a buddy is clearing out his old games.  Thanks, Trev.  Saints Row The Third has been my go to PS3 game recently.  It’s mayhem, for the sake of mayhem, and giant dildo bats.  Love it.   Crank that sex appeal… because boobs.

Yet another Value Village score.  Needed to pad the PS1 collection.  Still pretty dismal, but growing nonetheless.

Picked these up at G&L Sales Ltd.  Should have grabbed the frozen chicken fingers while I was there.  They looked delicious!

Somebody loves me.  Apparently my 18 month old saved up his allowance to buy dear old Dad a Wii U bundled with Mario Kart 8.  Love ya kiddo!

On a side note, if you haven’t played Mario Kart 8 yet, WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR?!?!?
Go out right now and buy that Wii U you keep dissing.  I’ll admit, I was skeptical about the Wii U, but Mario Kart 8 is the shit!  Especially when you’ve got people like Tyson and Tommy to destroy!  Plus, look at the 2015 lineup!  Zelda. Wii. U. It’s time.

Kijiji once again.  “I’ll throw in Lego Star Wars for free.” He says.  Hasn’t heard of, I guess.  Still paid under value, so YEEEEAAAAHHHH!

That puts the GameCube collection up to 94 (95 if you count Super Smash Bros. which as I mentioned doesn’t work…hopefully another buff will fix it up)!  Well, with any luck I’ll be able to catch Tyson and Tommy slipping and rope in some more additions to the collection in the near future.

Until next time…

GameFaqs: jimmywilk
Twitter: @Epic_Jimmy

Monday, 7 July 2014

Hitman Tommy's 2014 Goals 2nd Quarter Update

We’re now half way through 2014. Figured it was a good time to review how I’m doing with the goals I set out at the beginning of the year. This past quarter has been pretty slow pickup wise and it’s probably the least amount of games I’ve purchased in a long time. Granted we haven’t been as diligent in getting out on Friday nights for our Game Hunting trips. That being said we’ve been using that time in other ways for example recording the most recent episode of the Two Crude Dudes podcast(which you can listen to below this). Anyways without further ado here is how my 2014 Gaming Goals are looking

Goal #1: Increase NES Collection by 41 Cartridges.

Progress: 29/41 = 70.74% 

My NES buying has been far less than it has in previous years. I picked up 19 new titles since my last goal update but the vast majority of those were from our trip to the Calgary Expo in April. Since returning from there I think I’ve found 4 games locally that I needed. It’s definitely been slim pickings as of late. The retail stores nearby have restocked their retro titles a bit more recently but the prices on the games are way more than I’m willing to pay. I’ve tried to resort to going online a bit more to see if I can get a good price on some of the cheaper games I need. But even at that in a lot of cases the cart is either shat on, missing a chunk of the label or has some other damage. I’m definitely still ahead of the game in terms of getting to my year end of 600 carts in my collection.

Goal #2: Spend more time with the Wii U

Progress: Goal Achieved, 44 hours and counting

I got back on the Wii U horse in the month of May after not really touching it in March and April. Combined with the amount I had played earlier in the year I was just over half way to passing the amount of time I’d played Wii U in 2013(as mentioned before I had got my Wii U in August of 2013 and only logged 20 hours on it before December). Then May 30th happened and Mario Kart 8 was released. Upon playing that I knew that I was going to have no trouble exceeding 20 hours of Wii U time. It didn’t end up being Mario Kart 8 that put me over the top. The free game that I downloaded with the Mario Kart 8 promotion was Legend of Zelda: The Windwaker which I after downloading I decided to play it for an hour or two. I do have Windwaker on Gamecube but have never finished it and after playing a couple hours the first night on Wii U I quickly got hooked again and god damn 30 hours later I’m still trying to work my way through it. From best as I can tell I’ve still got some work to do to finish it so I’m estimating another 12 hours just to finish the story, never mind if I decide to go after all the treasures and shit. All I can say is thank god for the Swift Sail or it’d be another 30 hours to finish it. That being said I’m really enjoying it but it’s just eating up so much of my life right now.

Titles I played on Wii U in 2014: Mighty Switch Force, Lego Undercover, Mario Kart 8, Legend of Zelda: The Windwaker, NES Remix.

Titles I beat on Wii U in 2014: None 

Goal #3: Complete 5 Xbox 360 games

Progress: 2/5 = 40%

This goal is still at the same place as it was in March. With the increased amount of time I’ve been playing Wii U, along with everything else I have rarely touched the Xbox 360 with the exception of playing some racing games and an hour here or there. Xbox 360 definitely is one of those consoles that suffers from the “I don’t know what to play cause there’s too many friggin choices”. I really enjoy playing my Xbox but so frequently I end up playing the stupid XBLA shitters instead of a retail game that has a much better story/game experience to offer. I’ve talked about this before but it’s easier said then done. A lot of times I end up going to play it and then psych myself out and just watch a movie or end up playing 3DS or something instead.

Goal #4: Get the last two issues of OPM

Progress: 0/2 = 0% 

Still no movement on this. I saw the demo disc for one of the issues I didn’t have recently but I didn’t buy it because I don’t really collect demos. If anyone reading this has one they’d part with or comes across a copy of issue 1 and 2 of Official US Playstation magazine please let me know. 

Goal #5: Devote more time to the Blog

Progress: Ongoing

So far so good we’re coming off one of our best months here on the blog. But we had a strong beginning to 2013 as well and really tapered off when we got to the summer months. Hoping to keep things going strong into Fall.

Things are also progressing well on our other project the Two Crude Dudes Podcast. Hopefully should see episodes continue to be recorded on the regular basis for the rest of the year. And hoping that we’ll get Jimmy on one of these episodes to share some of his gaming experiences with everyone.

All in all that rounds out how my goals are taking shape going into the second half of 2014. If I had to venture a guess of which one I’ll be focusing on the next couple months it’ll probably be to beat some more Xbox 360 games. But if I keep playing Wii U the way I have been lately that may be a tall order.

Thanks for checking things out once again. Tyson and I hit the thrift shops just the other day and I finally picked up a few new games for the collection so I’ll be back shortly to share that with you.

Sunday, 6 July 2014

Buyer's Remorse #34 - Ring of Hoarding

If yaaaa smell what The cooking!

Hey Blogamaniacs! This is your old pal Super Robot Tyson here with another installment of "Why I'm Broke" from River City Retro.

Things have been a little lean on the game finding quest and without a major PSP score, the tally would be pretty weak. However, when a game famine strikes, Tyson and Tommy feed ourselves with other material goods like DVDs, comics, and other crap. I won't go into a lot of detail here about the game pick-ups as I spoke about them on Episode #9 of the Two Crude Dudes podcast. Speaking of TCD, if you have not listened to our latest episode, you really need to go do that now. Fuck the blog, just go check out Episode #9. It's three hours of unrelenting jackassery that sets the bar lower than any thought possible. I'll wait while you listen to it...

Two Crude Dudes - Episode #9 - Leisure Suit Lolo

So, how was it? Pretty good, eh? Go give us a 5 Star rating on iTunes, you man-animals! 

Anyways, back to games and shit. As previously mentioned, I managed to hit a PSP sale and got 13 minty PSP games for $40. It was a solid chunk of titles too. Here's the first batch of pics:

I was pretty pleased with these scores as everything was crazy ass cheap from pawn shops, thrift stores, and I even snagged Hot Shots Tennis for $0.49 new from EB Games. EB Games can kiss my funky nartsack most of the time, but fourty-nine cents is hard to beat. Actually, game prices and secondary market values have been a burning rant of mine for a while now and I think for episode #10 of the podcast I'm going to light into the fuckwads who have driven up the prices on retro game collecting, making it into an elitist hobby. The day Jordan vs. Bird NES ends up in the glass case at PNP for $29.95 is the day I torch the place and go on a killing spree. 

Tyson decides that $600 bucks is too much for Earthbound.

Anyways, enough about angry things. Here's some things that made me happy, so I bought them and took them home and locked them in my basement. 

Jimmy keeps his Wavebird caged. 

That's all that I added to the game collection recently, but considering how much stuff I already have, it's amazing I still find things to buy at all. People just don't appreciate how much work it takes to rationalize buying all these games! I've decided that when I die, I just want to be sealed in my basement like a Pharaoh...with my cats...and a hooker...

Moving on, I'd like to shed light on another disease that has relapsed. Wrestling DVDs. I thought it was in remission and the tumor was shrinking, but it has reared it's evil head again. After enjoying the recent CWE local pro wrestling events that featured Chris Hero and WWE hall of fame diva Lita, I got bit by the wrestling bug again just in time for Ring of Honor to mark a shitload of their 2010-2012 DVDs down to $4.00 from $19.99. 

I may need to use the side of this shelf that is against the wall.
The mailman is gonna need a disc repaired in his back when he delivers the mammoth box of ROH DVDs to my door. If I counted all the hours of wrestling I need to watch to get caught up on Ring of Honor, I'd die of old age. I almost ordered another 24 DVDs after I placed my first order too. Fuck me!

In closing, I'd just like to say that I'm super excited about becoming a Dad for the first time, so I'm celebrating by buying as many DVDs as I can, cause I know there is no way I'm gonna be able to leave the house for the next 6 years until I can punt my new child off to Kindergarten!

Super Robot Tyson