Salutations! Episode #13 of Two Crude Dudes has arrived just in time for
the holidays! We've gift wrapped this turd in a box using the finest
ribbons and bows! Hitman Tommy and Super Robot Tyson are filled with the
spirit of the season. If you're lucky we might even come down your
chimney! We checked your list and got you everything you wanted. Has
Tommy caught the Amiibo disease? Did we complete our insane sports game
challenge from last episode? You have to listen to the whole episode to
find out! We'll know if you tried to skip anything! Don't miss the long
awaited second part of our toy collecting segment! We also revealed our
most disturbing stories from the battlefields of Wal-Mart! Both Tyson
and Tommy used to work for the retail giant and you don't want to miss
the horrors of Tickle Me Elmo and the mobs of Pokemon addicted children
that attacked us when we worked in the toy department! Speaking of
addictions, are we still hooked on WWE Supercard? You damn right! All
this plus a huge milestone for Tommy's NES collection and the wrap up of
Horror Movie Month 2014! This is the longest and most bloated episode
of TCD yet! You wanted us to tie up loose ends? We tied them up and
violated them for three hours of hilarity! Only the combined strength of
the Two Crude Dudes could slam this tornado, baby!
Future episodes will always be available here and at
Follow the links on this page to subscribe on iTunes and Stitcher Radio!
TCD Logo

Thursday, 11 December 2014
Friday, 7 November 2014
Buyer's Remorse #39 - C4 Explodes!
Hey dudes!
I'm back with a quick look at some of the scores that I snagged during the Central Canada Comic Con this past weekend! We'll be talking about all the action during the next episode of the Two Crude Dudes podcast, but this should be a good teaser!
Speaking of teasers! This year's con was probably the hardest to attend if you are a heterosexual male. The sheer titanic amount of hot cosplay babes with gravity defying boobs made it hard to not look like a leering creep! They need to set up a masturbation booth, so we can blow a load, then get back to enjoying the con and stop getting distracted by Power Girl cleavage or sexy Deadpool ass!
Before the awesome C4 weekend, I did do a little game chasing with Epic Jimmy at the usual haunts. He scored some more games for the Gamecube quest and I picked up a few cheap gems. I was stoked to find El Shaddai on Xbox 360 for 5 bucks as I've really been dying to play that game. Mixed in with these pics are some thrift store finds, including that great A/V Switcher I talked about on the podcast.
Okay, time for the Comic Con spoils! Tommy and I are masters of finding deals at conventions and this year was no exception! It turned into a Transformers orgy for me as I got a great price on a huge bundle of Transformers: Alternators figures. They are classic G1 characters adapted to an actual modern licensed vehicle. For example, Smokescreen is a Subaru Impreza WRX and Sideswipe is a Dodge Viper. I've always wanted to pick up some of these as they are really high quality and are a great looking scale model.
The other Transformers crack that I smoked quickly was to grab mega-sale prices on two of the G1 Transformers Hard Hero porcelain busts. Prowl is my favorite character and I've wanted his bust for over a decade. I also grabbed Wheeljack too, muthafackos! The Kitty Pryde Excalibur bust was also a score for $20 from the same seller.
I'm back with a quick look at some of the scores that I snagged during the Central Canada Comic Con this past weekend! We'll be talking about all the action during the next episode of the Two Crude Dudes podcast, but this should be a good teaser!
Speaking of teasers! This year's con was probably the hardest to attend if you are a heterosexual male. The sheer titanic amount of hot cosplay babes with gravity defying boobs made it hard to not look like a leering creep! They need to set up a masturbation booth, so we can blow a load, then get back to enjoying the con and stop getting distracted by Power Girl cleavage or sexy Deadpool ass!
Before the awesome C4 weekend, I did do a little game chasing with Epic Jimmy at the usual haunts. He scored some more games for the Gamecube quest and I picked up a few cheap gems. I was stoked to find El Shaddai on Xbox 360 for 5 bucks as I've really been dying to play that game. Mixed in with these pics are some thrift store finds, including that great A/V Switcher I talked about on the podcast.
Card Games: Born in the dump bin... |
Peter Pan came from the infamous Video King! |
Okay, time for the Comic Con spoils! Tommy and I are masters of finding deals at conventions and this year was no exception! It turned into a Transformers orgy for me as I got a great price on a huge bundle of Transformers: Alternators figures. They are classic G1 characters adapted to an actual modern licensed vehicle. For example, Smokescreen is a Subaru Impreza WRX and Sideswipe is a Dodge Viper. I've always wanted to pick up some of these as they are really high quality and are a great looking scale model.
The other Transformers crack that I smoked quickly was to grab mega-sale prices on two of the G1 Transformers Hard Hero porcelain busts. Prowl is my favorite character and I've wanted his bust for over a decade. I also grabbed Wheeljack too, muthafackos! The Kitty Pryde Excalibur bust was also a score for $20 from the same seller.
Captain Britain looks pissed off because Lockheed shit in his shoes. |
The other random scores were some 1982 straight arm GI Joe figures for a steal, and an amazing art print of Clementine from The Walking Dead game. I snapped it up from a very talented local artist. Also grabbed Killer Instinct on SNES and some strategy guides too.
The Day was actually not bad! |
I could go on forever about the great stuff we saw (boobs) and the friendly people we met (titties) all day, but I should save some for the podcast. The next episode of TCD is shaping up nicely, but we are having trouble nailing down a date to record due to our busy schedules and family responsibilities.
There was one terrible thing about the comic con, though. The goddamn fucking Furries were there! Ugh! Nothing grosses me out more than perverts in cartoon wolf outfits dousing each other with fox urine and dry humping in the crowd. I would burn them all in a massive crematorium if I could! Escape From Furry Sobibor? Not this time! They freak me out! Blechh!!
Super Robot Tyson
Friday, 17 October 2014
Two Crude Dudes - Episode #12 - Top Shelf Horror
"Can you believe we've recorded a dozen of these things? Hitman Tommy and Super Robot Tyson rise from the grave for another ghoulish episode of the Two Crude Dudes podcast! We've packed this episode full of retro video game tricks and treats for our loyal listeners. If you miss this episode, we'll haunt you in your dreams like a drunken Freddy Krueger! It's Halloween, muthafackos! That means it's time for Horror Movie Month 2014! The boys busted out some movie reviews, horror hidden gems, and more gore than ever before! However, we did not forget about video games and dropped a comprehensive review of Hyperkin's Retron 5 console! This is the straight dirty on the new system from two of the biggest retro collectors. Screw Amazon and IGN! This is what you need to know to decide if you should purchase a Retron 5! Tyson and Tommy also played a huge amount of games to test the system and we'll recap the highlights of our recent gaming sessions. Are our heroes still addicted to WWE Supercard? Find out here! Don't miss the end of the episode where the dudes call each other out for a totally insane gaming challenge that must be completed before Episode #13! We over-promised! We under-delivered! We drank beer that tasted like an NHL hockey player's sour jockstrap! Now that's scarier than Victor Crowley!"
Future episodes will always be available here and at
Thursday, 16 October 2014
Horror Movie Month 2014- Midway Update
We’re half way through #HorrorMovieMonth2014 and it’s been
another successful year thus far. It’s the 15th of October and I’m
currently sitting at 17 movies that I’ve watched. It’s been a good mixture of
old favorites and some first time viewings. I’m not going to take the time to
review any of the movies as I’m sure that we’ll discuss it in further depth on
a future episode of the podcast but I just wanted to give everyone a quick
update of where I stood. Here’s the watch list thus far:
- Hatchet
- Halloween
- Feast
- Halloween II
- Laid to Rest
- Slither
- Halloween 4
- Halloween 5
- Stake Land
- Halloween 6
- Halloween H20
- Halloween Resurrection
- Final Destination
- Chromeskull: Laid to Rest 2
- Final Destination 2
- Final Destination 3
- Turistas
Pretty strong first half and hoping to keep it going through
the rest of the month. Of course if you have any suggestions for movies that I should
check out please contact me via email
or on twitter @rcrhitmantommy
And once again if you want to follow along with the progress
check me out on Instagram @hitmantommy or check out the hashtag
Saturday, 4 October 2014
Hitman Tommy's 2014 Goals 3rd Quarter Update
Hey all, figured I'd take a break from #horrormoviemonth2014 to update my goals heading into the last quarter of the year. The last three months have had some definite highs and lows in obtaining new items for the collection. Tyson and I also had the opportunity to make some major additions to our toy/action figure collections so that ate into gaming time while we enjoyed one of our other hobbies. However we really dived into that on the last episode of the "Two Crude Dudes" podcast (see below to check it out).
So if you've been following us for awhile you will recall that I started 2014 off with some specific gaming goals that I'd like to achieve before the year is up. It was a mix of game playing and collecting goals. While I had lots of ideas for goals I'd like to set I decided not to get too crazy and limit how many goals I wanted to set. So let's see how I'm doing so far:
Goal #1: Increase NES Collection by 41 Cartridges
Progress: 37/41 = 90.24%
If you're new to the blog you might think 41 is a bit of an odd number. The reason for choosing that exact number is that it was how many cartridges I'd need to become part of the 600 club. The amount of titles I found in Quarter 3 were about half of what I got in my 2nd quarter update. Of course I had the Calgary Comic Con in April that really helped me nail down several that I probably wouldn't have locally. However I've inched closer and closer and now am so close I can taste it. I've also been trying to figure out what I want #600 to be. Do I get to 599 and then go online and purchase something a bit better to make sure that 600 is a memorable game, or do I hope for luck of the draw and see what I find out chasing and if 600 happens to be a shitter game so be it? I'm assuming that I'll probably go with the latter. One of the local retail stores has several games that I need but of course priced accordingly so if I really want to grab something a little bit better for the milestone I could go that route. Either way things are well on track to achieve this goal.
Goal #2: Spend more time with the Wii U
Progress: Goal Achieved
I declared this one complete during my last update after I surpassed 40+ hours of playtime on the Wii U. With everything else going on I didn't really touch the Wii U the last couple months, with the exception of a couple multi-player Mario Kart 8 nights with Tyson and Jimmy. I do hope to play some other titles for the Wii U before the year is out however like I said I consider this goal complete.
Titles I played for Wii U in 2014: Mighty Switchforce, Lego Undercover, Legend of Zelda: The Windwaker, Mario Kart 8, NES Remix.
Titles I beat for Wii U in 2014: None
Goal #3: Complete 5 Xbox 360 Games
Progress: 2/5 = 40%
Still in the same place as last update. Last time I mentioned I was spending way too much time with XBLA titles(which don't count towards the goal) and I finally in the last month got away from playing so many of those. I recently re-started Borderlands 2 to finally give it a proper play through. I started it originally the day it came out because I loved the first Borderlands(probably my favourite X-Box game) but after sinking about 30 hours into the sequel it just wasn't gripping me like the first one did. That's not to say it was a bad game but I was probably spending too much time comparing it to the original. I actually almost re-started the first one to play it again but figured it was time to give BL2 a fairer opportunity. Plus with the pre-sequel due to come out in the next couple weeks it only makes sense. Back to my goal if I do finish BL2 I'll still have a couple titles to eek out before the end of the year. A little bit behind on this but the goal is still in reach.
Goal #4: Get the last two issues of OPM
Progress: 0/2 = 0%
No movement what so ever and to be perfectly honest I don't think I've checked eBay for it in a couple months. This I feel was more of a stretch goal though as really what I would like is to come across the two I'm missing at a thrift store for cheap. The idea of playing some crazy price online for a magazine doesn't thrill me so even if it were to pop up it would probably be more than I'm going to pay.
Goal #5: Devote more time to the Blog
Progress: Ongoing
We've been having a pretty strong year with keeping the blog a little more up to date. Between our regular posts and keeping consistent with new episodes of the podcast things I feel that both Tyson and I have done a great job in making sure we've had a more active page. Factor in the increased activity that we've started to put out on our Youtube channel and things are shaping up to be rolling quite nicely into yearend and into 2015.
I guess that wraps up my progress for now. Definitely have my work cut out for me on the X-Box goal. Especially with my recent purchase of a Retron 5 and that I'll now be able to playing retro games in the comfort of my living room, it's really going to cut into my X-Box gaming time. However we'll see what happens. Thanks once again for checking out the blog and the rest of our content. Tyson and I should be back with a new episode of the podcast later this month and hopefully there will be some good gaming scores along the way.
Also check us out at:
Instagram: @hitmantommy
Twitter: @rcrhitmantommy , @superrobottyson , @epic_jimmy, @tcdpcast
So if you've been following us for awhile you will recall that I started 2014 off with some specific gaming goals that I'd like to achieve before the year is up. It was a mix of game playing and collecting goals. While I had lots of ideas for goals I'd like to set I decided not to get too crazy and limit how many goals I wanted to set. So let's see how I'm doing so far:
Goal #1: Increase NES Collection by 41 Cartridges
Progress: 37/41 = 90.24%
If you're new to the blog you might think 41 is a bit of an odd number. The reason for choosing that exact number is that it was how many cartridges I'd need to become part of the 600 club. The amount of titles I found in Quarter 3 were about half of what I got in my 2nd quarter update. Of course I had the Calgary Comic Con in April that really helped me nail down several that I probably wouldn't have locally. However I've inched closer and closer and now am so close I can taste it. I've also been trying to figure out what I want #600 to be. Do I get to 599 and then go online and purchase something a bit better to make sure that 600 is a memorable game, or do I hope for luck of the draw and see what I find out chasing and if 600 happens to be a shitter game so be it? I'm assuming that I'll probably go with the latter. One of the local retail stores has several games that I need but of course priced accordingly so if I really want to grab something a little bit better for the milestone I could go that route. Either way things are well on track to achieve this goal.
Goal #2: Spend more time with the Wii U
Progress: Goal Achieved
I declared this one complete during my last update after I surpassed 40+ hours of playtime on the Wii U. With everything else going on I didn't really touch the Wii U the last couple months, with the exception of a couple multi-player Mario Kart 8 nights with Tyson and Jimmy. I do hope to play some other titles for the Wii U before the year is out however like I said I consider this goal complete.
Titles I played for Wii U in 2014: Mighty Switchforce, Lego Undercover, Legend of Zelda: The Windwaker, Mario Kart 8, NES Remix.
Titles I beat for Wii U in 2014: None
Goal #3: Complete 5 Xbox 360 Games
Progress: 2/5 = 40%
Still in the same place as last update. Last time I mentioned I was spending way too much time with XBLA titles(which don't count towards the goal) and I finally in the last month got away from playing so many of those. I recently re-started Borderlands 2 to finally give it a proper play through. I started it originally the day it came out because I loved the first Borderlands(probably my favourite X-Box game) but after sinking about 30 hours into the sequel it just wasn't gripping me like the first one did. That's not to say it was a bad game but I was probably spending too much time comparing it to the original. I actually almost re-started the first one to play it again but figured it was time to give BL2 a fairer opportunity. Plus with the pre-sequel due to come out in the next couple weeks it only makes sense. Back to my goal if I do finish BL2 I'll still have a couple titles to eek out before the end of the year. A little bit behind on this but the goal is still in reach.
Goal #4: Get the last two issues of OPM
Progress: 0/2 = 0%
No movement what so ever and to be perfectly honest I don't think I've checked eBay for it in a couple months. This I feel was more of a stretch goal though as really what I would like is to come across the two I'm missing at a thrift store for cheap. The idea of playing some crazy price online for a magazine doesn't thrill me so even if it were to pop up it would probably be more than I'm going to pay.
Goal #5: Devote more time to the Blog
Progress: Ongoing
We've been having a pretty strong year with keeping the blog a little more up to date. Between our regular posts and keeping consistent with new episodes of the podcast things I feel that both Tyson and I have done a great job in making sure we've had a more active page. Factor in the increased activity that we've started to put out on our Youtube channel and things are shaping up to be rolling quite nicely into yearend and into 2015.
I guess that wraps up my progress for now. Definitely have my work cut out for me on the X-Box goal. Especially with my recent purchase of a Retron 5 and that I'll now be able to playing retro games in the comfort of my living room, it's really going to cut into my X-Box gaming time. However we'll see what happens. Thanks once again for checking out the blog and the rest of our content. Tyson and I should be back with a new episode of the podcast later this month and hopefully there will be some good gaming scores along the way.
Also check us out at:
Instagram: @hitmantommy
Twitter: @rcrhitmantommy , @superrobottyson , @epic_jimmy, @tcdpcast
Wednesday, 1 October 2014
Horror Movie Month 2014
It's time for one of my favourite things to do each year. October is once again Horror Movie Month. For those of you not familiar with the concept it's pretty straight forward and that is to watch as many horror movies as you can in the month. It's an idea I got from a DVD Forum that I used to frequent. It was almost like a contest to see who could watch the most. I think I only took part in the contest once or twice but when I stopped going there I just carried on with it for my own enjoyment. A few years have past and I'm pretty sure that this is the 4th or 5th time I've done it on my own, most years usually start off strong but as life and responsibility get in the way I usually end the month with about 15 movies watched. However Horror Movie Month 2013 was a huge success and I ended the month with 33 movies watched. If you're curious here's the watch list from last year:
Horror Movie Month 2013
This year I've got a new crop of movies to check out but I'm sure will still revisit some old favourites. In fact due to the success of last year I kicked off this year a day early in an effort to fit in even more titles this year.
Thanks for checking it out and if you have any suggestions for horror movie to be added to my watch list for this year drop me a line on twitter or instagram.
Horror Movie Month 2013
- The Mummy (1932)
- My Bloody Valentine (2009)
- The Mummy (1959)
- Scream
- Scream 2
- Scream 3
- Scream 4
- The Wolf Man (1941)
- P2
- Pumpkinhead 4
- Candyman Farewell to the Flesh
- Prom Night (2008)
- The Thing (1982)
- Halloween (1978)
- Hellraiser
- Hellbound: Hellraiser II
- Hellraiser III: Hell on Earth
- Hellraiser: Bloodline
- Hellraiser: Inferno
- Hellraiser: Hellseeker
- Hellraiser: Deader
- Hellraiser: Hellworld
- A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984)
- A Nightmare on Elm Street 2
- I know what you did Last Summer
- I Still Know what you did Last Summer
- The Mist
- Halloween II
- Halloween 5
- Friday the 13th
- Friday the 13th Part 2
- Friday the 13th Part 3
- Friday the 13th Part 4
This year I've got a new crop of movies to check out but I'm sure will still revisit some old favourites. In fact due to the success of last year I kicked off this year a day early in an effort to fit in even more titles this year.
Thanks for checking it out and if you have any suggestions for horror movie to be added to my watch list for this year drop me a line on twitter or instagram.
Thursday, 11 September 2014
Two Crude Dudes - Episode #11 - Diseased Toys
Future episodes will always be available here and at
"Episode eleven descends from heaven! Super Robot Tyson and Hitman Tommy have found their way through the beer haze to once again bring you the wildly popular Two Crude Dudes podcast! Our collecting obsessions have had a serious flare up lately, but we've gathered enough strength to bring you this special show. This episode is near and dear to our hearts as we'll be confessing our most deepest and bitter jealousies to each other! What games from Tommy's collection make Tyson sneer with sour envy? Which key retro gems from Tyson's library make Tommy choke on his own bile? You have to listen to find out! This is the debut of the official “Jealousface” list! Also, Tyson nailed a big white whale and completed a collecting milestone recently, while Tommy kept his NES quest alive. The boys then stopped all forms of work, sleep, and personal hygiene to concentrate on their horrible new addiction to WWE Supercard on their iPhones! Seriously, it's electronic crack! I played it while I typed this. I'm not joking at all. We revealed a few of our other collecting diseases we've acquired over the years that have eaten our time and money, and we laid down part one of our personal retrospective of our favorite childhood action figures and toy lines. GI Joe! Transformers! Masters of The Universe and more! All this amazing content and the return of Time Attack game reviews! Grab your beers and let's roll out!"
Super Robot Tyson
Thursday, 4 September 2014
Catching The Toy Disease..... Again!
Hey everyone! Feels like it's been forever since I've been on here but I guess that's what happens when you don't buy too many games. Anyways Tyson and I are heading back into the "studio" to record Episode 11 tomorrow night which will be available here in the near future. If you haven't listened to Episode 10 check it out at or further down on this page. If you've heard Episode 10 you got the chance to hear us reminisce about gaming memories and really just random bullshit in general. While we enjoyed taking a huge trip down memory lane telling stories, we've also been taking a trip down another memory lane with our love of old toys.
We've probably mentioned before how a lot of the things we love in life never really go away but have a bit of a resurgence(similar to how most hobbies go). Video games is never one that really goes away and old toys usually rears it's ugly head more frequent than the others. I swear if we ever get back into hockey cards I'm going to gather all my cards in a pile light it on fire and burn myself to death Joan of Arc style.
Lately especially with the deals that Tyson has been finding it's made us look back on some of our favourite action figure lines past and present and we've decided to make that a major topic of discussion in the next episode. While we're going to return to more of the segments we've had in the past which will mostly be gaming related we figured what better time to share some stories about things such as G.I. Joe, Transformers, Visionaries etc from our childhood. As well as some stories about our times going out to look for old toys at flea markets and garage sales in the first couple years that we were friends. One of the first memories I have of toy chasing with Tyson involves Beast Man and wrestling, but I'll save that for the show tomorrow.
Saying I haven't done much on here recently I dug a bunch of my toys out of storage(mostly Transformers and TMNT) and figured I'd share some of that collection with you. So with out further ado here is a portion of my toy collection.
We've probably mentioned before how a lot of the things we love in life never really go away but have a bit of a resurgence(similar to how most hobbies go). Video games is never one that really goes away and old toys usually rears it's ugly head more frequent than the others. I swear if we ever get back into hockey cards I'm going to gather all my cards in a pile light it on fire and burn myself to death Joan of Arc style.
Lately especially with the deals that Tyson has been finding it's made us look back on some of our favourite action figure lines past and present and we've decided to make that a major topic of discussion in the next episode. While we're going to return to more of the segments we've had in the past which will mostly be gaming related we figured what better time to share some stories about things such as G.I. Joe, Transformers, Visionaries etc from our childhood. As well as some stories about our times going out to look for old toys at flea markets and garage sales in the first couple years that we were friends. One of the first memories I have of toy chasing with Tyson involves Beast Man and wrestling, but I'll save that for the show tomorrow.
Saying I haven't done much on here recently I dug a bunch of my toys out of storage(mostly Transformers and TMNT) and figured I'd share some of that collection with you. So with out further ado here is a portion of my toy collection.
Friday, 29 August 2014
Buyer's Remorse #38 - Zartan's Identity Theft
Hey gamerfolk!
Super Robot Tyson has returned! It's been a little while since I dropped some BR knowledge for my peeps, so let's gather around and gaze on my gamey goodies!
Actually, before we get started, I have one thing to say...
I have speared the biggest white whale on my want list and rolled around in it's succulent blubber! I have filled the hole in my soul with a Real American Hero. G.I Joe is here!
Let's sing:
"Crashing through the NES...comes the game I missed: JOE NES!! JOOOE NESSS!"
If anyone has listened to Two Crude Dudes or read the blog before, you've probably picked up on my desire to recreate the arcade style scenario from my favorite childhood video store. Video King was my favorite place to hang out because they had a Cadash arcade unit and this big triple cabinet with three televisions and three Nintendo systems hooked up. The large unit had a coin slot and you could drop in 50 cents and play 10 minutes of NES. When the time was up, a light would flash and you could add a quarter to play ten more minutes. The three games in the unit were GI Joe, Rockin' Kats, and Yo Noid! I vowed years ago that I would own a Cadash arcade and those three NES games complete in the box.
I purchased the box and instructions on ebay from a Canadian seller at a fair price and then traded three games to a local Winnipeg collector to land the GI Joe cartridge. He knew how desperately I wanted one and gave me a great deal. He's a super nice dude, actually.
A great sense of peace washed over me and I found myself filled with tranquility. Maybe my game collection was complete? Maybe I could stop the hoarding and just read a book or play a musical instrument? Maybe I could sit down and actually play some of these amazing games? Fuck it, let's go shopping! This time I can get a head start on my soul hole and not let it get as big as my Joe hole was.
Here's some other stuff I bought:
That's all for this time! Thanks for reading and checking out the Two Crude Dudes podcast! We've been getting a lot of new listeners to the podcast lately and we appreciate the support! Follow the links on this page to find us on Stitcher Radio and iTunes. Putting a review and rating on those services really helps us out. I'm planning on working on a few more You Tube videos soon too!
Thanks for letting me share my joy over landing GI Joe NES with all of you! See ya!
Super Robot Tyson
Super Robot Tyson has returned! It's been a little while since I dropped some BR knowledge for my peeps, so let's gather around and gaze on my gamey goodies!
Actually, before we get started, I have one thing to say...
![]() |
The cat's name is Shadow Moses. |
Let's sing:
"Crashing through the NES...comes the game I missed: JOE NES!! JOOOE NESSS!"
![]() |
I purchased the box and instructions on ebay from a Canadian seller at a fair price and then traded three games to a local Winnipeg collector to land the GI Joe cartridge. He knew how desperately I wanted one and gave me a great deal. He's a super nice dude, actually.
A great sense of peace washed over me and I found myself filled with tranquility. Maybe my game collection was complete? Maybe I could stop the hoarding and just read a book or play a musical instrument? Maybe I could sit down and actually play some of these amazing games? Fuck it, let's go shopping! This time I can get a head start on my soul hole and not let it get as big as my Joe hole was.
Here's some other stuff I bought:
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This whole lot cost 40 bucks! I only kept one game and the rest were for a buddy. |
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Dragon's Revenge is the follow up to Devil's Crush on TG-16. Awesome! |
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Everything I do, I do it for you. |
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Headless Scorponok failed his driver's test. |
You might have noticed that one of the games above was Einhander! That was the other amazing white whale that I nuked off the wantlist this week. I've wanted that game since the day I played the demo in 1998. I saw it at a game store for $49.99 and I knew I had to have it. I traded a scratched and creased copy of Mario Party 7 that I got for 5 bucks, Ninja Gaiden Wii U, Skylanders on 3DS, and Ultimate Spider-Man on Gamecube for it. When they asked if I had a membership card I said "Uhhhh, yeah! My name's Tommy!" and they looked up Tommy's name in the computer and gave me his discount and a boost in trade values. Best part was when the guy looked down and Einhander had a sticker on it that said "On hold for Tyson" after I lied and said I was Tommy. I was like "Derp hurrr derrr...Tyson's my roommate!" I'm getting quite skilled at pretending I'm Tommy to use his discount cards. After my discount deception and trading in my shitpile, Einhander only cost me $6.11! What an amazing score!
This is not the first time I've done my Tommy impression to save money on games.
All jokes aside, identity theft is a crime, kiddies!
Thanks for letting me share my joy over landing GI Joe NES with all of you! See ya!
Super Robot Tyson
Wednesday, 13 August 2014
Two Crude Dudes - Episode #10 - Good Times, Great Memories
Future episodes will always be available here and at
"Two Crude Dudes hits a milestone! Episode 10 is upon us and the future looks bright for Super Robot Tyson and Hitman Tommy! For this episode we forget about the future and travel back to the past! Fire up your DeLorean or jump in the nearest excellent phone booth so you can join us on our trip down memory lane! Will we get drunk and drive into a tree at 88 mph? Find out now! The boys will share some of their earliest memories from console launch periods. When was the first time we saw a NES, or Sega Genesis? Did we pre-order a PS2? Did Tyson mercilessly bully other kids so he could play their new consoles? Where did we get the money for all this crap? We will also discuss our favorite memories from classic video rental stores! Kids today can’t enjoy the holy temple of the video store, and we’ll remind everyone why they were totally awesome. Don’t miss this nostalgia drenched episode! Other highlights include the introduction of Tommy’s “management by fear” work policy and the infamous tale of the Fuzzy Peach afterbirth! You may want a time machine after this episode so you can forget you ever heard all this insanity! Yeah baby!"
Two Crude Dudes is also available on iTunes! Follow this link and then click "View in iTunes" so that you can subscribe and automatically receive new episodes when they are released.
Super Robot Tyson
Wednesday, 6 August 2014
Super Robot Reviews - Rally Cross!
Super Robot Tyson revisits a classic PS1 racing game! An early favorite from my collection, some day I'll conquer the evil Sandy's records...
Monday, 4 August 2014
Super Robot Tyson's Game Room!
Take a tour of the infamous "Game Cave" of River City Retro co-founder Super Robot Tyson! The Two Crude Dudes podcast is recorded in this room. These walls have heard some things...
Sunday, 27 July 2014
Buyer's Remorse #37 - Nesturbation
Welcome back my 8-bit brothers and sisters!
So much for a game collecting famine! I went a little insane on game shopping this week and have been buried under an avalanche of new things to alphabetize and put on the shelf without playing. I've been removing stickers and rearranging the game cave tonight to make room for the new scores. Also, I'm drinking beer. Alone.
Before anyone panics and tries to lecture me on the dangers of beer addiction, this is not a regular occurrence. I just needed some frosty pops to celebrate my game collecting victories this week. You wanna see some of the shit I got? You don't? Well, get bent assface, cause I'm gonna show you anyways.
The first sexy score was one of my best Kijiji lots in a long time. The wife calls me "Kijiggolo" because I have a knack for using my charms on female Kijiji sellers to score their games. Never wear your wedding ring to a Kijiji pickup if you want to get the best deal. Basically it was a massive PS1 lot with some other odds and ends priced at $25.00 for everything. She flat out asked me if she should have charged more and I told her yes. Then I gave her 25 bucks, kissed her gently on the forehead and swished off to my car like Zorro.
I also snagged a few things at a garage sale and finally put Ridge Racer Type-4 to bed. I've been trying to complete my set of the Ridge Racer games for a while. I just need a few of the hand held ones now, but they probably kinda suck.
After looking at that big PS1 score and the other fodder I brought home, you must be thinking that I took some time off chasing for games and enjoyed my collection. I tried that, but then I looked on Kijiji again (It's like a porn addiction) and saw that a local collectibles store was having a 50% off sale. Usually that means "select crappy items are on sale" and everything else is regular retail price, but in this case the owner has had a serious health issue and his friends and family are liquidating a lot of stuff to help with his care. Everything in the store was half off and I went a little crazy on NES. Did I take advantage of a retail seller when he was dealing with a tragic heath scare?
After this giant pile of mostly $5.00 NES scores, I'm nearing 250 NES games in my collection! Not as insane as Hitman Tommy, but pretty respectable. The other awesome news is that after some trial and error, Tommy and I got Cadash switched into my arcade! I now have my favorite arcade game in my basement. Life is titty! Here's a Cadash pic as well as some other scores. The TMNT NES games were already in my collection, but I traded with a local collector to land the boxes for TMNT II and Manhattan Project. I just had to pose them together for some Ninja Turtle trilogy action.
So many wins! I did have one small fail is that the Jamma board I bought that I thought was WWF Wrestlefest was actually Wrestlemania The Arcade Game instead and since my arcade only supports three buttons, I can't play it. You'd think that "1995 Midway" on the board would have clued me in.
That's all for now folks! Thanks to everyone who has been checking out the blog and listening to the Two Crude Dudes podcast lately! We've been reaching a wider audience and it's motivating us to actually provide some content instead of just procrastinating like lazy bums. You will see a lot more action on the You Tube channel and hopefully a new episode of TCD by the first weekend in August! Until then, stay thirsty my friends!
Super Robot Tyson
So much for a game collecting famine! I went a little insane on game shopping this week and have been buried under an avalanche of new things to alphabetize and put on the shelf without playing. I've been removing stickers and rearranging the game cave tonight to make room for the new scores. Also, I'm drinking beer. Alone.
Before anyone panics and tries to lecture me on the dangers of beer addiction, this is not a regular occurrence. I just needed some frosty pops to celebrate my game collecting victories this week. You wanna see some of the shit I got? You don't? Well, get bent assface, cause I'm gonna show you anyways.
The first sexy score was one of my best Kijiji lots in a long time. The wife calls me "Kijiggolo" because I have a knack for using my charms on female Kijiji sellers to score their games. Never wear your wedding ring to a Kijiji pickup if you want to get the best deal. Basically it was a massive PS1 lot with some other odds and ends priced at $25.00 for everything. She flat out asked me if she should have charged more and I told her yes. Then I gave her 25 bucks, kissed her gently on the forehead and swished off to my car like Zorro.
I also snagged a few things at a garage sale and finally put Ridge Racer Type-4 to bed. I've been trying to complete my set of the Ridge Racer games for a while. I just need a few of the hand held ones now, but they probably kinda suck.
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The tiny N64 tells time. It tells you it's time to buy a PS1 instead. |
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Double Duke Denzel! |
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I could not pass up some vintage toys on sale! Hiss Tank!! |
So many wins! I did have one small fail is that the Jamma board I bought that I thought was WWF Wrestlefest was actually Wrestlemania The Arcade Game instead and since my arcade only supports three buttons, I can't play it. You'd think that "1995 Midway" on the board would have clued me in.
That's all for now folks! Thanks to everyone who has been checking out the blog and listening to the Two Crude Dudes podcast lately! We've been reaching a wider audience and it's motivating us to actually provide some content instead of just procrastinating like lazy bums. You will see a lot more action on the You Tube channel and hopefully a new episode of TCD by the first weekend in August! Until then, stay thirsty my friends!
Super Robot Tyson
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