Hey everyone!
As usual we have been neglecting this blog and the posts have been few and far between. It's been a very hectic time in our personal lives as Tommy has a new member in his family and my dear Dad passed away after a long illness. We've still been picking up games when our personal lives allow it, but it's hard to find free time to keep up with the online community. Also, Tommy is a lazy fuck and whacks off to Twitter and Instagram too much.
I'm dying to do a new Two Crude Dudes episode as we have some awesome stories to tell, but it may have to wait till the new year. I also just got over a crazy fucking virus where I missed seven full days of work. I'm actually still coughing as I type this! Anyways, I'll quit bitching and just post some pics of crap I bought! Booyah!
Nothing too exciting, but overall everything I picked up was pretty cheap. The Neo Geo X Mega Pack came from Hong Kong and was a great purchase. I'm surprised I was able to buy any games in the last month as I was so bloody sick.
Super Robot Tyson
TCD Logo

Thursday, 5 December 2013
Monday, 21 October 2013
Buyer's Remorse #25 - The Tommo-Knockers
Hey kiddies!
It's your old pal Super Robot Tyson here, and I'm back with a short, but focused edition of Buyer's Remorse!
Things have been a little lean on the collecting front lately, but I have a few interesting stories to tell. I'm going to save a few of the gory details for the next episode of the Two Crude Dudes podcast as I think the confusion and frustration in my voice will get the message across better than my clumsy words. Speaking of Two Crude Dudes, I'm off work this week and it looks like Tommy might be coming over to record another episode tomorrow! I have a brand new high-tech microphone so the listeners can hear every wet rumble of our beer burps in amazing crisp detail.
Going back to 2012, you might remember that I was quite jealous of Tommy when he got a Neo Geo X Gold system for his birthday. I know that the system got a lot of abuse for being a sub par emulator and not the best tribute to the Neo Geo in the gameplay department. I still wanted one because the retro appeal is still high with the cool joystick, AES charge dock, and throwback packaging. There is no way I'd pay 250 bucks for one of them, but I can't afford an AES or MVS. The closest I would get is getting arrested for DUI after an MVA.
I had been price watching the Gold set on Future Shop.ca and it finally dropped to $99.99 with free shipping. Since I'm a cheap-ass bastard, I decided to wait longer, until I woke up recently to a tweet that said SNK-Playmore had killed the Neo Geo X and it's body had washed up on the riverbank. Tommo has since fought back and vowed to keep selling the unit, but I anticipated that a legal battle was about to start and the pussies at Future Shop would be pulling it off the website soon. I ordered one and less than a week later it vanished entirely from the site.
I have played a lot of the system and the unit feels great in your hands and the stick and face buttons are quite solid. The display is pretty shitty, but since I'm not a crazy Neo Geo elitist, it's still a blast to play. I hit ebay and ordered the Mega Pack so that I could complete the 36 games that are available and also get the firmware update and charging cable. This thing is not worth more than a hundred bucks on it's own, but it's a neat little chapter in the Neo Geo lifespan.
Next up is the small amount of games I picked up. It's hockey season in Canada and that means it's time to pay less than 5 bucks for older hockey games! All five of the games below cost me less than $25 combined. I'm also looking forward to some D&D on my PSP.
That's about it for new games! I dropped a crapload of cash buying a new 46" HDTV and some furniture to set up a TV/gaming area on the third floor bedroom of my house so now I have more options to set up consoles. The third floor also has better room for motion controls, but I'd probably just fall out a window playing Dragonball Z on Kinect.
In closing, I recently had a problem with my Xbox 360! It would not let me sign on because it thought I stole my own account. It took 5 hours in total to fix this through dozens of emails and chat support sessions. Finally I got on the phone with a guy who knew what he was doing and it was resolved, but for a while there I nearly threw my fucking 360 out the window. I'll tell the whole story on Two Crude Dudes using my best sour sarcasm and racist voices!
I'd like to close this blog with a quote from Tommy when I told him that my Gamerscore and Gamertag may be lost forever in a hurricane of Microsoft retardation:
"I can't imaging losing my Gamerscore. I'd probably club myself to death with the Xbox power adapter and broadcast it on Kinect for everyone to see..."
Super Robot Tyson
It's your old pal Super Robot Tyson here, and I'm back with a short, but focused edition of Buyer's Remorse!
Things have been a little lean on the collecting front lately, but I have a few interesting stories to tell. I'm going to save a few of the gory details for the next episode of the Two Crude Dudes podcast as I think the confusion and frustration in my voice will get the message across better than my clumsy words. Speaking of Two Crude Dudes, I'm off work this week and it looks like Tommy might be coming over to record another episode tomorrow! I have a brand new high-tech microphone so the listeners can hear every wet rumble of our beer burps in amazing crisp detail.
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Credit to Nintendrawer on DeviantArt for this gem. |
Going back to 2012, you might remember that I was quite jealous of Tommy when he got a Neo Geo X Gold system for his birthday. I know that the system got a lot of abuse for being a sub par emulator and not the best tribute to the Neo Geo in the gameplay department. I still wanted one because the retro appeal is still high with the cool joystick, AES charge dock, and throwback packaging. There is no way I'd pay 250 bucks for one of them, but I can't afford an AES or MVS. The closest I would get is getting arrested for DUI after an MVA.
I had been price watching the Gold set on Future Shop.ca and it finally dropped to $99.99 with free shipping. Since I'm a cheap-ass bastard, I decided to wait longer, until I woke up recently to a tweet that said SNK-Playmore had killed the Neo Geo X and it's body had washed up on the riverbank. Tommo has since fought back and vowed to keep selling the unit, but I anticipated that a legal battle was about to start and the pussies at Future Shop would be pulling it off the website soon. I ordered one and less than a week later it vanished entirely from the site.
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A coffin, thanks to SNK Play-Less... |
Next up is the small amount of games I picked up. It's hockey season in Canada and that means it's time to pay less than 5 bucks for older hockey games! All five of the games below cost me less than $25 combined. I'm also looking forward to some D&D on my PSP.
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I think Randy Orton is naked. |
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He's making that face after seeing Randy Orton naked. |
In closing, I recently had a problem with my Xbox 360! It would not let me sign on because it thought I stole my own account. It took 5 hours in total to fix this through dozens of emails and chat support sessions. Finally I got on the phone with a guy who knew what he was doing and it was resolved, but for a while there I nearly threw my fucking 360 out the window. I'll tell the whole story on Two Crude Dudes using my best sour sarcasm and racist voices!
"I can't imaging losing my Gamerscore. I'd probably club myself to death with the Xbox power adapter and broadcast it on Kinect for everyone to see..."
Super Robot Tyson
Tuesday, 8 October 2013
Buyer's Remorse #24 - Back With Another Squirrel Rockin' Beat
Well the summer has come and gone. Things have been pretty crazy around here. I changed positions at work, I am busy getting ready for the baby and all those other things that get in the way of buying and playing video games. However, that being said, if there's anything that I enjoy as much as I do video games.... it would be procrastination.
A lot of the time I rely on Tyson to light the fire under my ass to sit down and actually put some words on paper, but he's been busy with his own projects and was away on vacation for a couple weeks on top of that. I got looking to see when I did my last real blog post and was very shocked to find out that it had almost been 3 and a half months since my last Buyer's Remorse.
At this point in time those of you who listen to the Two Crude Dudes podcast will have heard most of what I have bought since June. I've covered off my Chicago trip on air and various random pickups through out the summer. If you follow me on Twitter you'll have seen a lot of the pictures that I've taken of things via my Instagram. For those of you who don't do any of the those things, please take the time to check them out.
The podcast can be found at: www.twocrudedudes.podbean.com My Instagram is Hitmantommy, My Twitter is @rcrhitmantommy and while you're at it check out Tyson's @superrobottyson
Alright, so now that I've got the shameless plugs out of the way the point I was getting at is that I'm not going to go through and re-hash all the games I've picked up this summer. Instead I'm going to focus on what I've picked up this last month. Leading into the month of September I had gone through a bit of a drought. Between our schedules, Tyson and I didn't have a regular chase day for almost 6 weeks. During that period he found some time to go out with another friend and find some really nice stuff via our usual haunts and online. At the beginning of September he took his yearly trip with the wife to Mexico for a couple of weeks and when he does that he lends me his car so that I can spend the days pilfering the city of good gaming deals. Usually he comes back to me having amassed a pile of great games but this year was a little lean. I went out hunting for games on one of the Fridays but beyond that, didn't spend a whole lot of time on the prowl. In fact I had just as much success hunting small animals as I did games. During one trip to a local retail store I smoked a squirrel running across the road.
The main focus of my collecting for quite awhile has been to bulk up my NES collection. During the month I picked up about a dozen more games that I didn't have and brought my total up to 494 NES games. Tyson and I also had an interesting conversation about what I would consider a "complete collection" for myself for NES games. What I mean by this is that while having all 768 titles is a nice thought, unless all of a sudden find myself in a position to drop thousands of dollars chasing down the really rare games, a complete set isn't going to be a reality. So the discussion was at what point would I consider things to be reasonably complete. About 6 spreadsheets later I've got an answer to this question but plan on devoting another blog entry to that question at a later date.
Aside from my NES focus I've picked up a few other cheap titles during my travels. I found a few loose Sega CD and Saturn games at another local shop and a couple more odds and ends at various used places around the city.
One of my best finds was at one of the retail stores that was going out of business. It was sort of a bitter sweet find. I was very happy to get the two games that I picked up but knowing that it was the last time that I would be in Microplay was a little sad. Granted it's quality of selection had really declined in recent years, but I've always had a soft spot for the Microplay franchise. It's where I primarily got my games from during my high school years. It's the place that I pre-ordered several PS1 games, and was a great place to pick up some used titles when I had next to no income. But like all good things it eventually came to an end. The emergence of EB Games in the area was when things started to decline. Even once EB stopped selling games for older systems, another retail outlet emerged and quite frankly became the place that most people started trading in their old items to. Still, Microplay was a good place to check every couple of months because every now and then you could walk in there and find a really good deal on something that would be $20-$30 more at the other guys.
Now that the busy summer months have passed I'm looking forward to getting back to a more regular schedule here on the blog. I have a couple non Buyer's Remorse entries in the works and with a little luck should have them up in the coming weeks. For those of you who have supported us, whether it's been on the blog, or through another channel, Tyson and I appreciate you sticking with us and hearing what we have to say. Until next time remember, It's not hoarding if you alphabetize your games...
I was so close to not even bothering to find a meme for this. |
At this point in time those of you who listen to the Two Crude Dudes podcast will have heard most of what I have bought since June. I've covered off my Chicago trip on air and various random pickups through out the summer. If you follow me on Twitter you'll have seen a lot of the pictures that I've taken of things via my Instagram. For those of you who don't do any of the those things, please take the time to check them out.
The podcast can be found at: www.twocrudedudes.podbean.com My Instagram is Hitmantommy, My Twitter is @rcrhitmantommy and while you're at it check out Tyson's @superrobottyson
Alright, so now that I've got the shameless plugs out of the way the point I was getting at is that I'm not going to go through and re-hash all the games I've picked up this summer. Instead I'm going to focus on what I've picked up this last month. Leading into the month of September I had gone through a bit of a drought. Between our schedules, Tyson and I didn't have a regular chase day for almost 6 weeks. During that period he found some time to go out with another friend and find some really nice stuff via our usual haunts and online. At the beginning of September he took his yearly trip with the wife to Mexico for a couple of weeks and when he does that he lends me his car so that I can spend the days pilfering the city of good gaming deals. Usually he comes back to me having amassed a pile of great games but this year was a little lean. I went out hunting for games on one of the Fridays but beyond that, didn't spend a whole lot of time on the prowl. In fact I had just as much success hunting small animals as I did games. During one trip to a local retail store I smoked a squirrel running across the road.
I was his Angel of Death |
Can't wait to sit down and play some Hudson Hawk. Tyson swears I'm the only one who likes the movie. I think he's wrong and I'm sure the game will be awesome too! |
Vay was a very nice find as well. Sega CD, Saturn, and 3DO are the only systems that I'll buy loose games for. |
Sword of the Berserk for under $10 was one of my best finds of the month. |
Sunday, 22 September 2013
Buyer Remorse #23 - Backlog Driver's Waltz
Hey people!
It's been too long since we posted a BR on this site, but at least we have cranked out a few solid episodes of Two Crude Dudes recently. I also just got back from a two week vacation in Mexico! Tommy has been swamped with work projects and a busy family life.
You might be be thinking that all this busy "life" crap we have been doing has prevented us from buying games. Bullshit! We still bought a lot of them, we just have not taken the time to show the spoils on the blog. I went back through a bunch of pics tonight and decided to upload the whole backlog. If you have listened to Two Crude Dudes episodes 4 and 5, you probably heard about some of these, but I'll just dump all the pics and everyone can enjoy. First off is the haul from The Green Haired Rapist , my beloved X-Men arcade cabinet, and my new Panasonic 3DO Interactive Multiplayer FZ-1!
We'll be back with more content and another episode of Two Crude Dudes soon! I'm keeping the text in this post to a minimum as I think I'm still in alcohol withdrawal from two weeks in Mexico...
Super Robot Tyson
It's been too long since we posted a BR on this site, but at least we have cranked out a few solid episodes of Two Crude Dudes recently. I also just got back from a two week vacation in Mexico! Tommy has been swamped with work projects and a busy family life.
You might be be thinking that all this busy "life" crap we have been doing has prevented us from buying games. Bullshit! We still bought a lot of them, we just have not taken the time to show the spoils on the blog. I went back through a bunch of pics tonight and decided to upload the whole backlog. If you have listened to Two Crude Dudes episodes 4 and 5, you probably heard about some of these, but I'll just dump all the pics and everyone can enjoy. First off is the haul from The Green Haired Rapist , my beloved X-Men arcade cabinet, and my new Panasonic 3DO Interactive Multiplayer FZ-1!
We'll be back with more content and another episode of Two Crude Dudes soon! I'm keeping the text in this post to a minimum as I think I'm still in alcohol withdrawal from two weeks in Mexico...
Monday, 2 September 2013
Two Crude Dudes - Episode #5 - Arcade Shakedown
Two Crude Dudes Episode #5 is here!
"Get the kids outta the room, because it's about to get dirty! Hitman Tommy and Super Robot Tyson return with another episode of the Two Crude Dudes podcast. Get ready for a "Crude Awakening" as we leave no person unoffended with our unholy alliance of video game babble and drunken perversion. Will Tyson be arrested for robbing the Mexican Game Stop? Can Tommy convince the Parkinson's Preservation Society to rename the disease? Find out during this episode! The boys then cover the glut of new retro games that they hoarded, as well as a new item in Tyson's game cave that is an enduring tribute to a fallen friend. Tommy shows off his French-Canadian singing voice and Tyson once again dishonors the proud folks from Japan. Who is the mysterious Jimmy, and will he tear apart the very fabric of River City Retro? The duo also travels back in time to the glory days of the arcades! You are only allowed to miss this episode if you are hungover from getting loaded with the Rescue Rangers. As a special bonus, Tyson accidentally on-purpose forgot to edit out a behind the scenes moment that was smarter than the average joke! I don't think anyone is gonna like this, Yogi!"
Future episodes will always be available here and at http://twocrudedudes.podbean.com/.
Two Crude Dudes is also available on iTunes! Follow this link and then click "View in iTunes" so that you can subscribe and automatically receive new episodes when they are released. https://itunes.apple.com/ca/podcast/two-crude-dudes/id623016132
Super Robot Tyson
Saturday, 24 August 2013
Hitman Tommy's Second Pick Up Video
Well this has been a long time coming. Where has the summer gone? If you've listened to Episode 4 of the Two Crude Dudes podcast you heard a little bit about what I've been up to since my last post in June. Made a family trip to Chicago and my wife and I have been preparing to welcome the first addition to our family.
But of course while real life was going on Tyson and I still found the time to get out there and find some more games. However I talked already on the podcast about most of the games that I've bought. I'm currently working on a blog regarding a recent conversation that Tyson an I were having about my NES collection. I'm hoping to have that up in the next day or two. But in the meantime here's a video with one of my most recent online pickups.
But of course while real life was going on Tyson and I still found the time to get out there and find some more games. However I talked already on the podcast about most of the games that I've bought. I'm currently working on a blog regarding a recent conversation that Tyson an I were having about my NES collection. I'm hoping to have that up in the next day or two. But in the meantime here's a video with one of my most recent online pickups.
Wednesday, 14 August 2013
Two Crude Dudes - Episode #4 - Strange Animal Crossing
Two Crude Dudes Episode #4 is finally here!
"Hitman Tommy and Super Robot Tyson return! Too many games to alphabetize has sidetracked us for a few months, but we are back with a fresh episode of Two Crude Dudes. Fueled by beer and Hot Tamales, and motivated by the moving sounds of Gowan, we boldly burp ourselves back onto the airwaves. This episode covers the underrated Wii U, remembers the Sega Master System, and covers our adventures looking for retro games to add to our obscene collections. Our heroes also braved the wilds of Kijiji to hunt for rare "game" to mount on our walls. Will Tyson escape the clutches of a green haired rapist? Will Tommy load his bases with hatred, or can Tom Kite calm his nerves? Filled with 1000% of your recommended daily intake of dick jokes, the boys throw all professionalism out the door to bring you their inner musings on game collecting. Maybe our ruthless commitment to find cheap games is due to our criminal minds? We stand accused before you..."
Future episodes will always be available here and at http://twocrudedudes.podbean.com/.
Two Crude Dudes is also available on iTunes! Follow this link and then click "View in iTunes" so that you can subscribe and automatically receive new episodes when they are released. https://itunes.apple.com/ca/podcast/two-crude-dudes/id623016132
Super Robot Tyson
"Hitman Tommy and Super Robot Tyson return! Too many games to alphabetize has sidetracked us for a few months, but we are back with a fresh episode of Two Crude Dudes. Fueled by beer and Hot Tamales, and motivated by the moving sounds of Gowan, we boldly burp ourselves back onto the airwaves. This episode covers the underrated Wii U, remembers the Sega Master System, and covers our adventures looking for retro games to add to our obscene collections. Our heroes also braved the wilds of Kijiji to hunt for rare "game" to mount on our walls. Will Tyson escape the clutches of a green haired rapist? Will Tommy load his bases with hatred, or can Tom Kite calm his nerves? Filled with 1000% of your recommended daily intake of dick jokes, the boys throw all professionalism out the door to bring you their inner musings on game collecting. Maybe our ruthless commitment to find cheap games is due to our criminal minds? We stand accused before you..."
Future episodes will always be available here and at http://twocrudedudes.podbean.com/.
Two Crude Dudes is also available on iTunes! Follow this link and then click "View in iTunes" so that you can subscribe and automatically receive new episodes when they are released. https://itunes.apple.com/ca/podcast/two-crude-dudes/id623016132
Super Robot Tyson
Sunday, 28 July 2013
River City Coma
Hi everyone!
It's been pretty quiet around here lately, so I just wanted to drop a line to let the world know that we did not die in a tragic video game avalanche. I've been very busy with work and dealing with a family illness and Tommy took a vacation with his family to Chicago! I'm sure he did some game shopping on the trip, so expect a blog from him soon. Two Crude Dudes is still in the works and we just need to find an evening to record. I've also been whoring myself out to another podcast, so that has been a busy project too. Stay tuned!
Super Robot Tyson
It's been pretty quiet around here lately, so I just wanted to drop a line to let the world know that we did not die in a tragic video game avalanche. I've been very busy with work and dealing with a family illness and Tommy took a vacation with his family to Chicago! I'm sure he did some game shopping on the trip, so expect a blog from him soon. Two Crude Dudes is still in the works and we just need to find an evening to record. I've also been whoring myself out to another podcast, so that has been a busy project too. Stay tuned!
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One of these explosions is Tommy farting deep dish pizza. The rest were from Godzilla... |
Friday, 5 July 2013
Buyer's Remorse #22 - Keep Out of Direct Sunlight
Welcome back!
It's been far too long since I updated the blog, but things have been pretty busy in the Super Robot household lately. Also, since the weather has been beautiful and sunny, I've been making an attempt to stay indoors and play more games!
While we have been doing some of our usual game chasing, it seems that both myself and Tommy have been a little more selective instead of grabbing anything cheap. I touched on the evolution of our collections in my last blog and we have stayed true to form. He's really focused on the NES collecting and I'm going for more quality over quantity. Here's a few pics of some recent scores and then I'll run down some of the things I played.
I actually found the complete TurboGrafx-16 games at Value Village for a few bucks and the boxed GBA games were picked up for $7.00 each at a pawn shop. Metroid Zero Mission has been my top GBA want for a long time as I'm a huge fan of Metroid Fusion and never ended up getting Zero Mission. I also really wanted to have it complete in the box too, and my patience paid off.
I'm tempted to make a "Half Minute Hero" joke about "That's what Tommy's wife calls him", but I guess I'll refrain.
That's about all I picked up, except for a nice score of some more Nintendo Power magazines from a thrift shop. Making a checklist for what I need for NP was an excellent idea. I love checklists. I love alphabetizing. I love organizing. I love color coding things and aligning them by height. Help me...
So what have I played recently? Check it out:
Wii U:
I'm pleasantly surprised with my Wii U. The second screen gaming is something you don't really appreciate until you try it. The tablet feels natural and I don't have to wave it around. The Miiverse community is a really positive place for Nintendo fans and after watching Microsoft drive people away with E3 and their retarded Xbone, I'm feeling much more loyal to the big N. Nintendoland is a great amount of fun and a good way to show off the system. I find that I use the word "fun" a lot when describing my Wii U and it just feels easy to pick up and play like my 3DS. When I play Xbox 360 or PS3, it's like I have to plan for it, or hype myself up for it, but the Wii U feels more "part of" my living room. Strange, eh?
Scribblenauts Unlimited:
This was my first bulk of Wii U gaming. It's pure joy and great fun to watch. My only complaint is that I spent a lot of time staring at the game pad and did not really watch the TV. You also start to get crazy creative and then can feel derailed when the game does not contain a fairly standard adjective or noun. The sounds and music don't have a huge amount of variety, but it looks great in HD. Once you've rode a giant chocolate friendly dancing rainbow Cthulhu, all other arguments are invalid.
Rabbids Rumble:
Another pleasant surprise! I bought it in a budget dump bin at Giant Tiger as I'd heard it was fun. While the Rabbids are no longer funny, the Pokemon style battles in the game are addicting. You play a lot of minigames to traverse across the maps in the game and then battle a group of three Rabbids to advance. Every time you defeat a group of Rabbids, you can choose one of them to add to your stable. The game has over 100 Rabbids to collect and I ended up with 52 after completing the game and finding some with QR codes and spotpass. The minigames make full use of the 3DS with AR Games, blowing into the mic, tapping, swiping, steering, yelling etc. It's sometimes not the best game to play in bed as you might decide you want to play an AR game and you have to turn on a light, dig out the AR card, and get out of bed. The game is simple and easy, but the paper-rock-scissors battles are great fun and use some strategy. Picking and leveling up your team of Rabbids is also important. In the end my Flaming Farts and Flaming Belches were tough to defend against. Good budget title for some distracting minigames and some engaging battles that don't go on too long. I'd give it a solid 3.5 BWAH! out of 5...
I have also started playing Bioshock Infinite and a little bit of Mario U. Both games are awesome and I'll talk about them in the future. I'm a huge mark for Bioshock and I'm hopelessly in love with Elizabeth from the new game. I'm trying to get my wife into Bioshock cosplay, but it's not working.
Metroid Zero Mission:
Finally! An enhanced remake of the NES version of Metroid with new play mechanics and story scenes. It plays similar to Metroid Fusion or Super Metroid, but is just a perfect balance of the Metroid formula. It's a masterpiece for the GBA and a must own. You can even play as Samus out of her power suit and when you beat the game, you unlock the NES version of Metroid. The length is shorter, but it's replayable with multiple endings and it begs for speed runs. I have beaten Metroid Fusion many, many times and it's a "go-to" title for me. I imagine Zero Mission will be another regular favorite of mine. The "Metroidvania" style of gameplay is one of my favorites.
I'd also like to close out by advising everyone to go buy Mighty Switch Force HD on their Wii U and their 3DS. Both titles are on sale right now in the e-shops and anything that supports Wayforward and spreads this awesome game is a good thing. I'm addicted to both versions of it and plan to buy Mighty Switch Force 2 very soon.
Wow! I think this is the least amount of stupid memes and dick jokes I've had in a blog so far! Maybe I'm growing up!
Thanks for reading! New episode of Two Crude Dudes should be coming soon. I'm hoping we can do it this weekend. Take care!
Super Robot Tyson
It's been far too long since I updated the blog, but things have been pretty busy in the Super Robot household lately. Also, since the weather has been beautiful and sunny, I've been making an attempt to stay indoors and play more games!
While we have been doing some of our usual game chasing, it seems that both myself and Tommy have been a little more selective instead of grabbing anything cheap. I touched on the evolution of our collections in my last blog and we have stayed true to form. He's really focused on the NES collecting and I'm going for more quality over quantity. Here's a few pics of some recent scores and then I'll run down some of the things I played.
I actually found the complete TurboGrafx-16 games at Value Village for a few bucks and the boxed GBA games were picked up for $7.00 each at a pawn shop. Metroid Zero Mission has been my top GBA want for a long time as I'm a huge fan of Metroid Fusion and never ended up getting Zero Mission. I also really wanted to have it complete in the box too, and my patience paid off.
I'm tempted to make a "Half Minute Hero" joke about "That's what Tommy's wife calls him", but I guess I'll refrain.
That's about all I picked up, except for a nice score of some more Nintendo Power magazines from a thrift shop. Making a checklist for what I need for NP was an excellent idea. I love checklists. I love alphabetizing. I love organizing. I love color coding things and aligning them by height. Help me...
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This makes me upset. |
Wii U:
I'm pleasantly surprised with my Wii U. The second screen gaming is something you don't really appreciate until you try it. The tablet feels natural and I don't have to wave it around. The Miiverse community is a really positive place for Nintendo fans and after watching Microsoft drive people away with E3 and their retarded Xbone, I'm feeling much more loyal to the big N. Nintendoland is a great amount of fun and a good way to show off the system. I find that I use the word "fun" a lot when describing my Wii U and it just feels easy to pick up and play like my 3DS. When I play Xbox 360 or PS3, it's like I have to plan for it, or hype myself up for it, but the Wii U feels more "part of" my living room. Strange, eh?
Scribblenauts Unlimited:
This was my first bulk of Wii U gaming. It's pure joy and great fun to watch. My only complaint is that I spent a lot of time staring at the game pad and did not really watch the TV. You also start to get crazy creative and then can feel derailed when the game does not contain a fairly standard adjective or noun. The sounds and music don't have a huge amount of variety, but it looks great in HD. Once you've rode a giant chocolate friendly dancing rainbow Cthulhu, all other arguments are invalid.
Rabbids Rumble:
Another pleasant surprise! I bought it in a budget dump bin at Giant Tiger as I'd heard it was fun. While the Rabbids are no longer funny, the Pokemon style battles in the game are addicting. You play a lot of minigames to traverse across the maps in the game and then battle a group of three Rabbids to advance. Every time you defeat a group of Rabbids, you can choose one of them to add to your stable. The game has over 100 Rabbids to collect and I ended up with 52 after completing the game and finding some with QR codes and spotpass. The minigames make full use of the 3DS with AR Games, blowing into the mic, tapping, swiping, steering, yelling etc. It's sometimes not the best game to play in bed as you might decide you want to play an AR game and you have to turn on a light, dig out the AR card, and get out of bed. The game is simple and easy, but the paper-rock-scissors battles are great fun and use some strategy. Picking and leveling up your team of Rabbids is also important. In the end my Flaming Farts and Flaming Belches were tough to defend against. Good budget title for some distracting minigames and some engaging battles that don't go on too long. I'd give it a solid 3.5 BWAH! out of 5...
I have also started playing Bioshock Infinite and a little bit of Mario U. Both games are awesome and I'll talk about them in the future. I'm a huge mark for Bioshock and I'm hopelessly in love with Elizabeth from the new game. I'm trying to get my wife into Bioshock cosplay, but it's not working.
Metroid Zero Mission:
Finally! An enhanced remake of the NES version of Metroid with new play mechanics and story scenes. It plays similar to Metroid Fusion or Super Metroid, but is just a perfect balance of the Metroid formula. It's a masterpiece for the GBA and a must own. You can even play as Samus out of her power suit and when you beat the game, you unlock the NES version of Metroid. The length is shorter, but it's replayable with multiple endings and it begs for speed runs. I have beaten Metroid Fusion many, many times and it's a "go-to" title for me. I imagine Zero Mission will be another regular favorite of mine. The "Metroidvania" style of gameplay is one of my favorites.
I'd also like to close out by advising everyone to go buy Mighty Switch Force HD on their Wii U and their 3DS. Both titles are on sale right now in the e-shops and anything that supports Wayforward and spreads this awesome game is a good thing. I'm addicted to both versions of it and plan to buy Mighty Switch Force 2 very soon.
Wow! I think this is the least amount of stupid memes and dick jokes I've had in a blog so far! Maybe I'm growing up!
He's the Jack-Rabbid. Get it? |
Super Robot Tyson
Thursday, 20 June 2013
Buyer's Remorse #21 - The New U
Finally back with a brand new Buyer’s Remorse. Initially this entry was planned not to be a Buyer’s Remorse simply because I hadn’t felt like I’d added much to my collection that it would be worth devoting a whole entry to the concept. However as more time elapsed I did pick up a few more things that are worth a quick mention. But as opposed to doing my usual rant of telling you one by one all the things I’ve picked up I have put them into two pictures. One that is older stuff and the other has the new generation items. Then to close off this entry I want to talk a little bit about my first encounter playing the Wii U.
Speaking of the Wii U I’ll start with my recent pickups for the current generation systems. As Tyson talked about his Wii U purchase in his last entry I’ll spare you the details of mine as it was almost exactly the same. We went the same night, traded in lots of games that we had no need for in our collections and made use of a couple promotions that GameStop/EB were offering at the time. If you want more info regarding this please check out Tyson’s last blog right below this one. As a result we both were able to get a good deal on the Wii U system as well use some trade towards a few games. Saying our bundles came with ZombiU and Nintendo Land I didn’t pick up any other Wii U titles that night but instead grabbed the new Tomb Raider and Ni No Kuni, I forgot to include these in the picture below.
I wonder when they'll figure out that Wii U games don't have to have a 'U' in the title |
I also went back with another stack of games that I was hoping would meet the criteria for their trade in deal and was able to gain a bunch more store credit which netted me my two other Wii U games Lego Undercover and Super Mario Bros U. I don’t usually trade anything in but considering some of the deals that Tyson and I find this particular offer was great as in most cases we were getting more in trade than we had paid for the game originally and were titles that were really just padding our numbers as opposed to being something that we really wanted to play.
In the picture below are the games I found through a combination of Value Village, pawn shops, retail stores and the flea market. I was very excited to find a couple more NES titles to add to my collection but the big find was definitely the Sega 32X in the box. One of the local retail stores finally had dropped their price on their 32X’s by over half of what they had been selling them for. I walked into one of the locations that I don’t get to too often and they had a boxed one out for the same price as their loose ones so I didn’t hesitate to pull the trigger on it. That particular day sort of turned into Sega 32X Saturday as I also found 3 loose games for it at Value Village for a couple bucks a piece.
I'm going to get drunk one night and Fred Couples and I are going to ride Yoshi's and play golf in Syberia |
Obviously the big pick up this time around was the purchase of the Wii U. I honestly hadn’t expected to pick one of these up anytime soon. Mainly because they were initially a little slow out the gate but Nintendo has really ramped up the amount of announcements and it did start to intrigue me a little more. Factor in that we were able to leverage the EB sale in our favor and suddenly getting one so soon seemed like a no brainer. So far since making this purchase I’ve probably had the time to play around a dozen hours of games for it and just want to share my initial reactions to the experience.
Wii U Console Menu- Found it relatively easy to navigate. I do own a Wii and a 3DS so the learning curve was rather small due to the similarities. Not much to say about it but I did probably spend an hour checking out the options and tailoring my preferences.
Wii U Control/Game Pad- I was very impressed with the feel and layout of both the Pro Controller and the Game Pad. I’ll admit that I was one of the people sneering at the Game Pad when it was first introduced. I just didn’t see the appeal of using a “tablet” to control a video game. However Nintendo did a great job laying out the buttons and so far from what I’ve played the small features that some of the games have built in to enhance the game play using the screen have been neat. I can’t wait to see what developers start using it for once they’ve had more time with the technology.
Nintendo Land- This was the first game that I tried on the console. While it is more or less a tech demo for things the system can do, they did manage to design some very addictive and competitive “Attractions” for the player to try out. I know my wife and I got very competitive at DK Crash Course the first night we tried it. But I’m going to be bias and say that Yoshi’s Fruit Cart was my favorite thing to play in the game.
ZombiU- The reviews this game got early on were rather unfavorable but the longer it’s been out people seemed to have softened their stance. This game was a very pleasant surprise and while I’ve only gotten to spend about an hour with it so far I can’t wait to sit down and have a good solid play through with it. I’ve been very impressed with the overall atmosphere of the game and was a real treat to skulk around the shadows as a survivor during a zombie apocalypse. Most other recent outings that other zombie games have put forth have an emphasis on action as opposed to survival. Sure you could go around killing everything you see but is that really a proper use of supplies? Guess we’ll find out.
Super Mario Bros U- If you’ve read previous entries you’ll know that my wife loves Mario games. In fact the night that I came home with the Wii U her first question was did I buy Mario; needless to say I went back in short order and bought it. I’ve played about two hours and my wife has probably logged about double that. I don’t have a whole lot to say about it. Honestly its Mario if you’ve played one of the recent titles in the series you’ve played this game. They’ve added new levels and a new squirrel? Power up but that aside it’s the same thing that Nintendo has been putting out for this series. That being said if it isn’t broke don’t fix it.
That more or less wraps up all I had to say about my first 10-12 hours with the Wii U. I’m sure as I have more time to spend with it I’ll comment as such in future blogs. I have picked up Lego Undercover recently and do really want to play it but I really want to put more time into ZombiU before I start another new game. Anyways as usual thanks for the taking the time to read this, until next time!
Monday, 27 May 2013
Buyer's Remorse #20 - The Trade Deadline
I can honestly say that this is the first time I've come into a blog post to talk about owning LESS games...
Anyways, Tommy and had a discussion recently about the difference between being a "collector" and being a "possessor" of video games. I had read some comments online about this and it boiled down to the difference between owning a large amount of games solely for the reason that you did not have them, and having a collection that shows your personality and interests as a gamer. If there is no theme to your collecting, you're just padding the numbers and collecting by volume instead of quality. We like to joke about hoarding around here, but what's the point of mindlessly accumulating games if you don't plan to play them or you don't like the content of the game. For example: I really fucking hate baseball games, but I own a bunch of them for different systems. Ugh, why?
A great collection could really show a stranger what you are into, and a little bit of your personality, just by looking through where you focus your collecting energies. I think I'm more proud of the games that I really love than the intimidating shelves of volume. I want someone to be able to pick up one of my games and say "Tell me about this game!" and I can answer their request with more details than just "Uhhh, I got it at Value Village for a buck..."
To make a long story short, we sat and had a few beers and decided to look through our collections on GameFaqs to make a list of expendable games that we planned to get rid of. This would give a little more purity to our collections and maybe net us a few bucks towards something really cool. Before I downsized some games, I did however get kinda drunk and found myself on eBay one night at around 3am. I really need to stay off eBay when I've been drinking. At least what I bought was awesome and well priced. It was disc only, and I made a case.
I then started to make a box full of all the stuff I wanted to get rid of. It was about 20 games to start, mostly PS2 and Original Xbox. I also threw in all my doubles of games, magazines, manuals, etc. I got $40 for the box and never looked back. I also sold a 15 year old laptop for $60 and box of lame hockey cards for $100. I felt clean and redeemed. I was also accumulating cash as "The Trade Deadline" was approaching and I wanted a few extra bucks to seal the deal. What's "The Trade Deadline" you ask? Read on friends, and I'll fill you in...
Before we get to the big trade, I might as well drop a few more pics of some stuff I landed during a few chasing trips with Tommy. Check it out:
The most notable scores from above were my first Sega 32X game, Haunting on Genesis, and the Monty Python CD-i game. I'm a big fan of Haunting on Genesis and have been wanting to land it for a long time. I also grabbed a minty cart of Captain Comic on NES just to piss off Tommy.
The final reveal of the blog is the big trade that I made. I was able to reduce my collection of Xbox 360, Wii, and PS3 games and come home with a great new addition. EB Games was running a promotion where if you traded in 10 games, you got $200 off the purchase of a Wii U! The end of the promotion was fast approaching (The Trade Deadline), so I had to put my strategy together fast. I traded in some games I was "possessing" as well as the cash I made selling other junk and came home with an exciting new console. I also took advantage of the "Trade More, Get More" deal and ended up with another ninety bucks in trade credit as well. All together it cost me less than $20 out of pocket for everything you see below.
I've been thinking about getting a Wii U, but I knew that I would have to find one cheaply or exploit a promotion like this to acquire one. All the stars aligned and I can't wait to play it! Overall, it was a great week of spring cleaning and I really feel like I purified my collection to the point where even Morgan Freeman would approve...
Super Robot Tyson
Anyways, Tommy and had a discussion recently about the difference between being a "collector" and being a "possessor" of video games. I had read some comments online about this and it boiled down to the difference between owning a large amount of games solely for the reason that you did not have them, and having a collection that shows your personality and interests as a gamer. If there is no theme to your collecting, you're just padding the numbers and collecting by volume instead of quality. We like to joke about hoarding around here, but what's the point of mindlessly accumulating games if you don't plan to play them or you don't like the content of the game. For example: I really fucking hate baseball games, but I own a bunch of them for different systems. Ugh, why?
A great collection could really show a stranger what you are into, and a little bit of your personality, just by looking through where you focus your collecting energies. I think I'm more proud of the games that I really love than the intimidating shelves of volume. I want someone to be able to pick up one of my games and say "Tell me about this game!" and I can answer their request with more details than just "Uhhh, I got it at Value Village for a buck..."
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You have to read this in Morgan Freeman's voice... |
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Drunk online shopping = still a win! |
Before we get to the big trade, I might as well drop a few more pics of some stuff I landed during a few chasing trips with Tommy. Check it out:
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Monty Python on CD-i? Awesome!! |
The final reveal of the blog is the big trade that I made. I was able to reduce my collection of Xbox 360, Wii, and PS3 games and come home with a great new addition. EB Games was running a promotion where if you traded in 10 games, you got $200 off the purchase of a Wii U! The end of the promotion was fast approaching (The Trade Deadline), so I had to put my strategy together fast. I traded in some games I was "possessing" as well as the cash I made selling other junk and came home with an exciting new console. I also took advantage of the "Trade More, Get More" deal and ended up with another ninety bucks in trade credit as well. All together it cost me less than $20 out of pocket for everything you see below.
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Does it really look just like Buddy Holly? |
Super Robot Tyson
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